Articles with tag community

"SIU + Kiwi TCMS logos"

For more than 25 years, Sistema de Información Universitaria - SIU - has been developing solutions for the digital management of the Argentine university system and various government agencies.

This ecosystem of solutions integrates all management areas within an institution (administrative, financial, academic, human resources, purchasing and assets, data analysis), optimizing process management, data quality, transparency, and decision-making.

One of the main pillars of SIU is its collaborative network based on communities of practice. In these communities, users interact, exchange knowledge and best practices, solve common challenges, and share experiences. This governance model has gained national and international recognition and has enabled successful implementations in over 140 institutions.

The Kiwi TCMS experience

In recent years, digital transformation and the evolution of the institution have led SIU to move from a structure based on specific solutions to integrated project management, requiring the search for new tools to streamline and improve software development. As part of this process, a test management system was evaluated.

This experience began with the Integrated Electronic File solution, a tool designed to seamlessly manage documents and files within an institution. One of its components, SUDOCU (Unique Document System), was developed by Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento - UNGS - and made available to the Argentine university system through SIU. This feature added complexity for the QA team during their work, as test cases had to be replicated on different platforms both on the SIU and UNGS sides.

In order to simplify processes and avoid duplicated efforts, a tool was sought to streamline the workflow. After evaluating several options, Kiwi TCMS was selected because of its open source nature, which is in line with SIU's policy.

Evaluation began with a local installation, testing its functionalities, and optimizing its use to improve workflow. After adjustments in both test and production environments, Kiwi TCMS was incorporated into SUDOCU's projects, creating test cases and test plans. This improved the organization and visibility of testing activities for the entire team involved, including QAs, developers, and analysts.

Based on this initial implementation, a work plan was created to gradually integrate testing of more projects into Kiwi TCMS, taking into account the unique characteristics of the SIU ecosystem.

Currently, a consolidated QA team has been established within SIU, working in a fully integrated manner. Other projects are now using Kiwi TCMS in their daily operations for functional testing, system integration, regression testing and smoke testing.

Impact and benefits

The experience with Kiwi TCMS has enhanced the quality of software developed by SIU by centralizing test cases, test plans and test executions. This has improved both the traceability and transparency of QA work. It also provided the ability to generate reports and metrics to further evaluate and improve internal processes.

One of the key benefits for SIU is time optimization achieved by reusing test cases and test plans, as well as the ability to track an unlimited number of executions, within the same test management tool. In addition, Kiwi TCMS' integration with Gitlab and Redmine is very useful for the institution, as these are other tools commonly used within SIU.

The flexibility of this system allows test cases to be extended as needed, making it easier to adjust and update test cases or test plans in response to the development cycle.

In the words of Lucas del Reguero Martinez, QA tester:

The implementation of Kiwi TCMS has provided significant advantages to the institution, resulting in tangible benefits to users within the SIU community. The plan for the future is to continue training teams on the tool to further democratize its use.

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow and sustain development!

"Cfp banner"

Attention testers! On behalf of the Testing and Continuous Delivery devroom we'd like to announce that call for participation is now open. This room is about building better software through a focus on testing and continuous delivery practices across all layers of the stack. The purpose of this devroom is to share good and bad examples around the question “how to improve quality of our software by automating tests, deliveries or deployments” and to showcase new open source tools and practices.

Note: for FOSDEM 2025 this devroom is a merger between the former Testing and Automation and Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment devrooms and is jointly organized between devroom managers in previous FOSDEM editions! Kiwi TCMS is proud to be part of the team hosting this devroom!

Important: devroom will take place on Saturday, February 1st 2025 at ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium! Presentations will be streamed online but all accepted speakers are required to deliver their talks in person!

Here are some ideas for topics that are a good fit for this devroom:

Testing in the real, open source world

  • War stories/strategies for testing large scale or complex projects
  • Tools that extend the ability to test low-level code, e.g. bootloaders, init systems, etc.
  • Projects that are introducing new/interesting ways of testing "systems"
  • Address the automated testing frameworks fragmentation
  • Stories from end-users (e.g. success/failure)
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Continuous Deployment
  • Security in Software Supply Chain
  • Pipeline standardization
  • Interoperability in CI/CD
  • Lessons learned

Cool Tools (good candidates for lightning talks)

  • Project showcases, modern tooling
  • How your open source tool made developing quality software better
  • What tools do you use to setup your CI/CD
  • Combining projects/plugins/tools to build amazing things "Not enough people in the open source community know how to use $X, but here's a tutorial on how to use $X to make your project better."

In the past the devroom has seen both newbies/students and experienced professionals and past speakers as part of the audience and talks covering from beginner/practical to advanced/abstract topics. If you have doubts then submit your proposal and leave a comment for the devroom managers and we'll get back to you.

To submit a talk proposal (you can submit multiple proposals if you'd like) use Pretalx, the FOSDEM paper submission system. Be sure to select Testing and Continuous delivery!

Checkout for more information!

Happy Testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

"Cfp banner"

Attention testers! On behalf of the Testing and Continuous Delivery devroom we'd like to announce that call for participation is still open. This room is about building better software through a focus on testing and continuous delivery practices across all layers of the stack. The purpose of this devroom is to share good and bad examples around the question “how to improve quality of our software by automating tests, deliveries or deployments” and to showcase new open source tools and practices.

Note: for FOSDEM 2024 this devroom is a merger between the former Testing and Automation and Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment devrooms and is jointly co-organized between devroom managers in previous FOSDEM editions! Kiwi TCMS is proud to be part of the team hosting this devroom!

Important: devroom will take place on Sunday, February 4th 2024 at ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium! Presentations will be streamed online but all accepted speakers are required to deliver their talks in person!

Here are some ideas for topics that are a good fit for this devroom:

Testing in the real, open source world

  • War stories/strategies for testing large scale or complex projects
  • Tools that extend the ability to test low-level code, e.g. bootloaders, init systems, etc.
  • Projects that are introducing new/interesting ways of testing "systems"
  • Address the automated testing frameworks fragmentation
  • Stories from end-users (e.g. success/failure)
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Continuous Deployment
  • Security in Software Supply Chain
  • Pipeline standardization
  • Interoperability in CI/CD
  • Lessons learned

Cool Tools (good candidates for lightning talks)

  • Project showcases, modern tooling
  • How your open source tool made developing quality software better
  • What tools do you use to setup your CI/CD
  • Combining projects/plugins/tools to build amazing things "Not enough people in the open source community know how to use $X, but here's a tutorial on how to use $X to make your project better."

In the past the devroom has seen both newbies/students and experienced professionals and past speakers as part of the audience and talks covering from beginner/practical to advanced/abstract topics. If you have doubts then submit your proposal and leave a comment for the devroom managers and we'll get back to you.

To submit a talk proposal (you can submit multiple proposals if you'd like) use Pretalx, the FOSDEM paper submission system. Be sure to select Testing and Continuous delivery!

Checkout for more information!

Happy Testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

"2M banner"

We are happy to share that Kiwi TCMS has surpassed 2 million downloads on Docker Hub. At the time of writing this blog post the exact number is 2004544! We say a big THANK YOU you to our entire community!

As luck would have it we were able to announce this achievement at the annual OpenFest conference in Bulgaria and celebrate the day with not one, but two kiwi bird mascots. "Presenting at OpenFest 2023"

Thank you and Happy testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

"University of Utah + Kiwi TCMS logos"

The University of Utah is a public research university in Salt Lake City, USA. It is the flagship institution of the Utah System of Higher Education and was established in 1850.

The University of Utah's School of Computing, founded as the Computer Science Department in 1965, has a long and distinguished record of high impact research. The university has provided large, automated testbeds since around the year 2000, funded by the National Science Foundation.

The Flux Research Group conducts research in operating systems, networking, security, and virtualization. The group consists of three faculty and over two dozen research staff, graduate students, and undergrads.

POWDER (the Platform for Open Wireless Data-driven Experimental Research) is flexible infrastructure enabling a wide range of software-defined experiments on the future of wireless networks. POWDER supports software-programmable experimentation on 5G and beyond, massive MIMO, ORAN, spectrum sharing and CBRS, RF monitoring, and anything else that can be supported on software-defined radios.

In the words of David M. Johnson, research staff:

The addition of Kiwi TCMS to our POWDER mobile wireless testbed helps to support the complex multi-system, end-to-end functional test and integration scenarios we see in the 5G/O-RAN/beyond mobile wireless space.

We use Kiwi TCMS as part of an on-demand environment that POWDER provides to users that can help them automate testing using a workflow approach, from CI-triggered orchestration from scratch in our cloud-like environment, through resource configuration and running test suites, to finally collecting results into private instances of Kiwi TCMS.

We use both the Stackstorm and Dagster workflow engines to execute our test and integration workflows. The stackstorm-kiwitcms library is a simple Stackstorm "integration pack" (Python source code in this case) that invokes and re-exports much of the core Kiwi TCMS XML-RPC API (with some minor sugar) into Stackstorm, so that each API function is exposed as a Stackstorm action (the fundamental unit of its workflows). This means that the workflows can orchestrate resources into test scenarios; configure the resources; create or instantiate Kiwi TCMS test runs/executions/metadata; execute tests; and push test results/status into Kiwi TCMS records, upload attachments, etc, for persistence.

We use a fork of Kiwi TCMS right now so that we could upload attachments to test runs via the API. That was a trivial change which made its way upstream as part of Kiwi TCMS version 12.1.

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

OffSec has chosen Kiwi TCMS

OffSec is an American international company working in information security, penetration testing and digital forensics. Operating from around 2007, the company has created multiple open source projects, advanced security courses, the ExploitDB vulnerability database, and the popular Kali Linux. It has recently released the Kali Purple platform, a dedicated platform for cyber defence analysts and a platform for security services.

Introduction to Assurance Testing is a brand new training course covering the defensive testing techniques used to establish a level of assurance that your server is secure. It is the first course of OffSec’s OSDA cyber defence learning path. This course introduces the context for security testing and explains how security testing aligns to the business.

Chapter 3: Creating and Using Security Test Documentation explains the documentation used in security related testing and introduces Kiwi TCMS as the test management tool of choice! "Kiwi TCMS as shown in OffSec's training materials"

The course is part of Offsec’s fundamentals package which is designed as baseline knowledge and skills for all security professionals and in particular for those who wish to progress to the OffSec Defence Analyst (OSDA) certification. The Assurance Testing course, and the Kiwi TCMS tool which it uses, gives developers and security testers alike a good understanding of the best practice approach to test case management and helps build their skills in carrying out testing in a disciplined way. Using Kiwi TCMS provides the opportunity to improve the processes and documentation around security testing, and around the wider functional testing as well.

Kiwi TCMS bridges the gap between security requirements and software development by enabling standardized test cases to be developed by the security team whilst software developers and dedicated QA teams can use these same test cases to ensure that security requirements are met. With preset test plans and test cases, execution of security tests can proceed in the same way as for any other non-functional testing, and any issues identified during testing can be fixed and tests can be executed again.

Learning how to use Kiwi TCMS as part of the Introduction to Assurance Testing course helps both security teams and QA teams work together in a common environment to improve the quality and security of their software. Using Kiwi TCMS enables security teams to provide clear instructions to QA teams as to how to use specialist security testing tools. For example, having clear test cases for running the PowerShell audit tool for the Active Directory Certificate Server, PSPKIAudit, means that the test team can take advantage of a powerful testing tool without needing the specialist knowledge that might otherwise be required to use and interpret the results of such a tool.

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

"Devroom banner"

Attention testers! On behalf of Testing and Automation devroom we'd like to announce that the final program for the devroom is ready!

We received over 30 submissions this year and the entire collection of topics was extremely good. During FOSDEM we are going to see topics around functional testing for the Linux kernel, growing testing infrastructure for Linux, testing of new networking protocols, observability-driven development, the testing history behind the GNOME desktop environment, property-based testing and mutation testing.

Important: devroom will take place 09:00 to 12:50, Sunday, February 5th 2023 at ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium.

If you are around don't forget to check-out our friends from the Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment devroom on Saturday, February 4th 2023!

See you there and happy testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

"Cfp banner"

Attention testers! On behalf of Testing and Automation devroom we'd like to announce that call for participation is now open.

Important: devroom will take place 09:00 to 12:50, Sunday, February 5th 2023 at ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium! Presentations will be streamed online but all accepted speakers are required to deliver their talks in person! The devroom will not host pre-recorded videos in 2023!

Here are some ideas for topics that are a good fit for this devroom:

Testing in the real, open source world

  • War stories/strategies for testing large scale or complex projects
  • Demystify resource e.g. systems/device/cloud provisioning in a CI loop
  • Tools that extend the ability to test low-level code, e.g. bootloaders, init systems, etc.
  • Projects that are introducing new/interesting ways of testing "systems"
  • Address the automated testing frameworks fragmentation
  • Lessons learned from testing

Cool Tools (good candidates for lightning talks)

  • How your open source tool made developing quality software better
  • What tools do you use to setup your CI/CD
  • Combining projects/plugins/tools to build amazing things "Not enough people in the open source community know how to use $X, but here's a tutorial on how to use $X to make your project better."

In the past the devroom has seen both newbies/students and experienced professionals and past speakers as part of the audience and talks covering from beginner/practical to advanced/abstract topics. If you have doubts then submit your proposal and leave a comment for the devroom managers and we'll get back to you.

Checkout for more information!

Happy Testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Mejor Sitio Web 2022

Kiwi TCMS is happy to announce that we have been awarded a "Best Website 2022" award by, scoring 36/40 on their evaluation. The review criteria can be found at

Querido equipo de Kiwitcms,


Habéis logrado lo que muchos otros desean:

Habéis acumulado 36/40 puntos en nuestra investigación de mercado y por lo tanto calificasteis (mínimo 30 de 40 puntos necesarios) para nuestro premio Mejor Sitio Web 2022.

Resultados y criterios de investigación

URL: Kiwitcms-Team

Puntos: 36/40

Our team is happy to accept this award, which comes exactly 2 years after we became an OpenAwards winner.

Thank you and Happy testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Kiwi TCMS is pleased to welcome Zaklina Stojnev to our team!

She holds an engineering degree in computer science and has been working as a test engineer for more than 10 years. In the last couple of years her main focus is automation in testing, finding ways to improve testing process and tools that will support testing activities.

Zaklina will be the primary contact for our History of Testing project where we are compiling a database of people who influenced or made important contributions to our professional field.

With her prior experience as a conference organizer Zaklina will also be lending a much needed hand in preparing the Testing and Automation devroom at FOSDEM and showcasing Kiwi TCMS at different events.

You can find her on-boarding progress at TR-1190 and her contributions on GitHub.

Happy Testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

"Cfp banner"

Attention testers! On behalf of Testing and Automation devroom we'd like to announce that call for participation is now open.

Here are some ideas for topics that are a good fit for this devroom:

Testing in the real, open source world

  • War stories/strategies for testing large scale or complex projects
  • Demystify resource e.g. systems/device/cloud provisioning in a CI loop
  • Tools that extend the ability to test low-level code, e.g. bootloaders, init systems, etc.
  • Projects that are introducing new/interesting ways of testing "systems"
  • Address the automated testing frameworks fragmentation
  • Lessons learned from testing

Cool Tools (good candidates for lightning talks)

  • How your open source tool made developing quality software better
  • What tools do you use to setup your CI/CD
  • Combining projects/plugins/tools to build amazing things "Not enough people in the open source community know how to use $X, but here's a tutorial on how to use $X to make your project better."

In the past the devroom has seen both newbies/students and experienced professionals and past speakers as part of the audience and talks covering from beginner/practical to advanced/abstract topics. If you have doubts then submit your proposal and leave a comment for the devroom managers and we'll get back to you.

Checkout for more information!

Happy Testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Here are the winners of our ticket giveaway:

  • Martin Ayvazov
  • Ralitsa Georgieva
  • Teodora Pashina - Dimitrova
  • Gabriela Luhova
  • Lyuboslava Arshinkova
  • Yoan Bachev

Attention winners: please get in touch with us at to claim your tickets. We will ask you to validate your GitLab account by performing a quick action which will be disclosed to you via email!

Raw data from our winner selection script below:

***** WINNER #1: Martin Ayvazov
{'avatar_url': '',
 'id': 9640539,
 'name': 'Martin Ayvazov',
 'state': 'active',
 'username': 'majvazov',
 'web_url': ''}
***** WINNER #2: Ralitsa Georgieva
{'avatar_url': '',
 'id': 9869926,
 'name': 'Ralitsa Georgieva',
 'state': 'active',
 'username': 'ralitsa.georgieva',
 'web_url': ''}
***** WINNER #3: Teodora Pashina - Dimitrova
{'avatar_url': '',
 'id': 9869893,
 'name': 'Teodora Pashina - Dimitrova',
 'state': 'active',
 'username': 'tedi.pashina',
 'web_url': ''}
***** WINNER #4: Gabriela Luhova
{'avatar_url': '',
 'id': 9641952,
 'name': 'Gabriela Luhova',
 'state': 'active',
 'username': 'gabriela.luhova',
 'web_url': ''}
***** WINNER #5: Lyuboslava Arshinkova
{'avatar_url': '',
 'id': 9869399,
 'name': 'Lyuboslava Arshinkova',
 'state': 'active',
 'username': 'arshinkovalyuboslava',
 'web_url': ''}
***** WINNER #6: Yoan Bachev
{'avatar_url': '',
 'id': 7630581,
 'name': 'Yoan Bachev',
 'state': 'active',
 'username': 'yobachev',
 'web_url': ''}

Video recording of the selection process:

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

MLH Nomination

Last year Kiwi TCMS started partnering with the MLH Fellowship open source program. During the span of 3 semesters fellows received mentorship and career advice from us. They were also able to work on 20+ issues the majority of which have been complete.

For that we kindly ask the open source community to nominate Kiwi TCMS at the MLH Open Source Awards.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the Submit a Nomination button
  3. Follow the instructions on screen!

Expected results:

  1. It should take you 2 minutes
  2. Your submission is recorded by MLH

Why are we doing this

MLH is recognizing extraordinary open source projects and communities. It is up to you, our community members and the general public to decide whether Kiwi TCMS qualifies or not. Winning this award will let us show what we do before a larger audience!

Thank you for supporting Kiwi TCMS and happy testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

HackConf is one of the premium developer conferences in Bulgaria. Over the years Kiwi TCMS and HackConf have collaborated multiple times and our history goes way back to before the first edition of the conference! We're happy to announce that Kiwi TCMS will be giving away 6 SUPERFAN tickets for HackConf 2021 in order to celebrate their 6th anniversary!

All 6 tickets include:

  • Conference live stream access (online due to COVID-19), sessions are in English
  • Ability to ask questions during the live stream
  • Virtual Goodie Bag with valuable content & digital treats
  • Special Physical Goodie Bag delivered to your home. ** Shipping is available only for the territory of Bulgaria.

How to win a ticket

We need your support in order to become part of GitLab's open source family! We kindly ask you to upvote the first comment at!

Scenario: help Kiwi TCMS become part of GitLab’s open source family
    Given: navigate your browser to
    And: log into GitLab via the "Sign in / Register" button
    And: complete the login / registration process
    When: click the 👍 icon under the first comment
    Then: wait for the winners to be announced!

"GitLab steps"

Thank you very much and Happy Testing!

Winners announcement

Winners will be selected from all voters, excluding Kiwi TCMS team members, HackConf organizers and GitLab affiliated accounts. The accounts which have participated can be verified with curl

Winners will be announced on Oct 6th 2021 in a blog post on our website. We will try our best to get in touch with all winners but we also ask you to get in touch with us if you see your username!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

"500K banner"

We are happy to announce that Kiwi TCMS has been downloaded more than 500000 times! You can check the real-time stats here.

Thank you very much and Happy Testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Kiwi TCMS has applied for GSoC 2021

"GSoC banner"

Dear open source hackers, we are happy to share that Kiwi TCMS has applied to Google Summer of Code 2021 as a mentoring organization!

While we're very early in the program timeline and we still don't know whether Kiwi TCMS will be accepted or not we'd like to use this opportunity and outline several areas which are good candidates for GSoC fellows to work on. Some of the tasks are also eligible for our open source bounty program. The majority of them require some knowledge of Python and Django.

Let's Encrypt SSL integration

By default Kiwi TCMS' container image comes with a self-signed SSL certificate! This is irritating because all modern browsers issue warnings for that and the majority of deployments do not have the infrastructure to distribute the self-signing Certificate Authority certificate files, e.g. make the browser trust the provided certificate.

This issue is compounded by the fact that production SSL certificates, issues by a well-known authority must be introduced from the outside. While this is documented there are fair amount of testers who do not have sufficient proficiency with Docker to do so.

The result is that we see many Kiwi TCMS deployments in the wild which completely disable HTTPS and users struggling to configure their SSL certificates.

An integration with Let's Encrypt would be a good choice. We've tried a proof of concept but had troubles running their official client on our container image.

The challenge will be to use a Let's Encrypt client that is supported on the CentOS Linux distribution (that's what we use) or a frequently maintained distribution independent package. Another challenge will be that the ACME protocol used needs to be able to talk back to the system asking for a new certificate. In most cases Kiwi TCMS will be deployed behind a firewall and initial certificate request/renewal requests may be able to go one way only.

Securing 3rd party dependencies

Kiwi TCMS itself uses services and tools like Snyk, npm audit, Coverity and Bandit against our own and against 3rd party source code. On the other hand some of our components (e.g. PatternFly) do not perform any kind of security testing. The starting point to unravel this is Issue #871.

As a minimum all issues reported by bandit & coverity against 3rd party dependencies must be sorted out:

  • Figure out if we execute our tools in the appropriate way as to not report unnecessary issues
  • Dissect all of the issues, especially ones from Bandit, report them to their upstream community, discuss and decide how to fix or ignore the issue and send a pull request to upstream
  • Figure out how to keep track/dashboard whether or not all of our runtime dependencies are using the same tools as we are (they are either open source or free to use for open source projects) since they seem to be good tools
  • Work with any upstream (2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc level dependencies) communities to adopt said tools and fix issues as they are discovered

All of this will ultimately benefit a broader community than Kiwi TCMS alone.

Integration with GitHub Actions and GitLab pipelines

As part of our continuing integration with GitHub we need to have an action which would report the results to Kiwi TCMS similar to how our automation framework plugins do!

You should start with GitHub because this is what Kiwi TCMS uses and we can immediately eat our own dog food. Originally proposed in Issue #817 then moved to github-app #10 with a slightly different focus.

Next (or in parallel) would be similar functionality for GitLab pipelines, proposed in Issue #1421

Java hacking

Kiwi TCMS does have a native junit-plugin but we are no experts in Java. In the testing world however Java is a very popular language and we need help building on top of the existing library and developing several other tools:

C# and Objective-C hacking

  • Issue #2020 - reporting plugin for NUnit, similar to other existing automation framework plugins. We're not sure how popular NUnit vs other test runners in the C# world is but it could be a good basis for developing future plugins. The challenge here is mostly for us since we're a Linux based team
  • Issue #1316 - reporting plugin for Kiwi-bdd a simple BDD for iOS. Again the challenge here would be on us since we don't have experience building and testing applications on iOS

Migration to Patternfly v4, possibly with React JS

The visual component library that Kiwi TCMS uses is called PatternFly. First it is a standard describing visual design, widget behavior and development hints for enterprise applications. Then it provides an actual implementation of their standards.

Kiwi TCMS is built with PatternFly v3 using raw HTML + CSS. This approach allowed us to get started quickly and gradually migrate from our legacy UI. It also works very well with Django which is structured around rendering HTML templates.

A major task is switching over to PatternFly v4 where there could be some differences in component syntax.

Since Kiwi TCMS v8.8 and v8.9 we have completely redesigned the TestPlan and TestRun pages. As they are the ones with the most possible interactivity and functionality we have hit the need to keep internal state on the front-end. This is rather cumbersome to manage by hand and calls for a more modern solution using React. There is PatternFly implementation as React components too.

The starting point is Issue #1323.

The volume of work is a challenge because all pages need to be migrated and we're not sure if this can be done and released in steps or all pages should be migrated and released together. In other words we don't know if shipping UI based on both PatternFly v3 and v4 will work.

The next challenge is refactoring the TestRun and TestPlan pages with React, keeping all existing functionality intact. A challenge here will also be the transactional nature of Django where it receives a browser request and sends a response, usually rendered HTML content! Lots of functionality happens both on the backend as well as in the HTML templates themselves - for example translations and permission checks.

JavaScript hacking

  • Issue #1281 - start using ESLint against our code base and clean-up all related issues
  • Issue #1910 - replace SimpleMDE with EasyMDE. Ideally we would like to depend on other active open source libraries and the rich text editor what we use looks like it needs replacement. We've got a few extra features hooked into the editor like syntax highlighting with dynamic loading of language definitions, support for inline attachments and a security override. All of these need to be kept in place.
  • Issue #1919 - reconsider using MomentJS. Well it looks like its original authors encourage everyone to actually stop using it and we should consider doing so as well. As it stands MomentJS is not widely used inside Kiwi TCMS except for timezone conversions in the browser. Should be relatively easy to replace, preferably with a vanilla JavaScript implementation. Either way we first need to know what actually has to be done.

Remaining telemetry

Testing Telemetry is one of our cool features and since we've started to redesign the legacy report feature testers are very happy with it. There are still some bits and pieces that are missing: Issue #616, Issue #1923, Issue #1924, Issue #1925, Issue #1926, Issue #1927, Issue #1928, Issue #1929, Issue #1940.

These generally depend on having the ability to record execution times in our database and afterwards the features are similar but relatively independent of one another.

Web hooks

Kiwi TCMS should be able to better integrate with 3rd party systems. This feature will allow users to configure custom URL to which Kiwi TCMS will send HTTP POST requests on certain events. It looks like we can base the implementation on top of django-rest-hooks and pair it up with RestrictedPython for further flexibility.

This feature is being tracked in Issue #1080 and Issue #913 but needs a more detailed definition.

Anything else

All of the proposals above are items which we have in our backlog and need help with. However participation in the Google Summer of Code program is not limited only to them. You are free to propose any other ideas/projects on which you would like to work during the summer. We would be happy to accept your contributions if we make it into the program.

Happy Testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Project roadmap 2021

Hello testers, this blog post outlines Kiwi TCMS roadmap for 2021 and what we feel is important to us!

roadmap image 2021

Project sustainability

The big goal towards which we are striving is to turn Kiwi TCMS into a sustainable open source project. For now this means three key areas:

1) Team
2) Technical
3) Community & Adoption


Right now we have a core team with 3 members, 3 more members on-boarding and 2 interns. In the past year we weren't successful into turning more people into core-team members. I have seen several problems and core-team will significantly reconsider how we approach & recruit people to join the team, how we on-board and help them so that they can become productive and fully fledged team members.

Long term focus is improving and strengthening core-team which also implies a level of responsibility and performance criteria which core-team members must meet.

Goal: 1 PR/week/person as broad measure of individual performance so that we can operate with a predictable capacity.

Goal: (re)structure internal team processes around candidates and newcomers! Note: These are not public at the moment.


The areas shown on the picture above will receive more priority.

Goal: complete remaining Telemetry features.

Goal: complete remaining refactoring with major focus in pylint issues, migration to Patternfly v4 and eslint issues.

Goal: improve SSL configuration with strong bias towards Let's Encrypt being configured by default.

Goal: provide support for web hooks so that Kiwi TCMS can be integrated more easily/flexibly with 3rd party systems. We're aiming for Kiwi TCMS to be able to POST webhooks to external URLs and inform them about events in the system.

Community & Adoption

Last year Kiwi TCMS had massive success despite not visiting many events. The open source community spirit is important to us both in terms of technical collaborations and in terms of features & exposure which drives further adoption of Kiwi TCMS downstream.

Goal: complete bug-tracker integration milestone.

Goal: extended GitHub integration via GitHub actions which will report results into our database. We do have other ideas as stretch goals.

Goal: similar to GitHub actions we're looking towards GitLab pipelines and similar integration with GitLab.

Goal: continue our collaboration with Major League Hacking Fellowship program.

Goal: apply for the Google Summer of Code program and work with students if selected.

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Roadmap status report for 2020

Another year rolls out and despite all difficulties it is by far the strongest one for Kiwi TCMS!


  • 2 physical events and a few virtual ones
  • 12 releases
  • 24 language translations
  • 683 PRs, most of them closed & merged
  • Reached Issue/PR number 2000
  • Reached 5000 commits
  • Reached 8000 registrations via
  • Reached 270K downloads via Docker Hub

Status update

From the 2020 roadmap we've established 3 main areas to work on. Their completeness scores are:

1) Team - 30%
2) Technical - 70%
3) Community - 100%

Average score is 65% completion!


Overall the team has stalled its growth and improvement. Contributors which started onboarding a year ago are still under-productive and do not meet our criteria to become core-team members. The average team productivity is far beyond the goal of 1PR/week/person. This is largely due to contributors not being active on their items, very long periods between pull requests and longer than average time for closing pull requests.

The only positive side in this area is that core-team has improved its internal processes, is meeting regularly, discusses issues with members when they arise and relatively quickly spots problems and acts on them.


The dominating effort this year was refactoring the remaining legacy UI and converting everything to PatternFly. The effect of this is reduced code complexity and improved CodeClimate score/technical debt, removed vendored-in JavaScript dependencies and lots of unused code in favor of using the existing API.

Additional work has been done on closing bugs, implementing some features, integration with new bug tracking systems and improvements around the telemetry feature.

However there is still a lot of work to be done until all telemetry pages are complete. There are also around 30 pylint issues remaining which require internal refactoring and more legacy code cleanup. It's getting there but it's also getting harder.


This area turned out to be our strongest one this year. We started very strong at FOSDEM 2020 and collaborated with multiple communities on plugins, code & translation contributions, adoption of Kiwi TCMS and general partnerships around open source.

Kiwi TCMS got a substantial grant from the Mozilla foundation which helped bootstrap our open source bounty program and internship program.

In May we reached 100K downloads on Docker Hub then in October we've surpassed 200K. Next month we'll reach 300K!


2020 was definitely a year full with uncertainties and hardship. It was not what we were used to and there were many ideas and lead projects that looked very promising in the beginning of the year but didn't materialize for a multitude of reasons.

Overall Kiwi TCMS, its team and its community did very well and I am confident that next year we can achieve more together!

Happy Testing and Happy New Year!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

"Virtual show screen"

Dear testers, we are happy to share that Kiwi TCMS has been distinguished with the Excellence in Innovation 2020 award by Applied Research and Communications Fund in Bulgaria. This is also the first award that we receive locally and we're very happy about that!

Kiwi TCMS was a finalist in the Digital transformation category for the fact that leveraging the power of open source we've transformed an abandoned project (the predecessor of Kiwi TCMS) into a usable product with over 270000 downloads to date!

If you would like to checkout the awards ceremony and all of the particiants go to, we're listed under Отворени Технологии България ЕООД (the name of our parent company)! Text and video is not in English however!

Happy Testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

"Cfp banner"

Attention open source testers: Testing and Automation devroom at FOSDEM'21 is happening next year! Call for participation is now open. Checkout for more information!

Happy Testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

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