Legal information

Kiwi TCMS source code is developed by a core team and individual contributors.

Community donations are collected via Open Collective.

Project infrastructure, development, data processing and support services provided by:

Privacy policy

For the purposes of passwordless login via GitHub, GitLab, Google, etc, Kiwi TCMS is requesting the following data: your name, email address. This information is stored in our database and is linked to your Kiwi TCMS account which let's you login into the Kiwi TCMS application. User account information is accessible only to the administrators of Kiwi TCMS and is not publicly exposed to 3rd parties.

Data, other than user accounts, stored on the so called Public Tenant, aka, is visible to all application users and is intended for demonstrational purposes. Everyone has the same read/write/delete access to everything except other users' profiles! There are no guarantees or SLA for Public Tenant.

Public Tenant accounts and all of their data are removed after 30 days of inactivity. This applies to users who have not logged in during that period and users who never confirmed their accounts!

Private Tenant and all of their data are removed within 45 days after their subscription expiration.

Your user profile information is not shared with 3rd parties!

Anonymous analytics

Kiwi TCMS uses Plausible Analytics on this website, inside our official container images and all tenants provisioned under https://* to collect some anonymous usage data for statistical purposes.

Our goal is to track overall trends and usage patterns in Kiwi TCMS application(s), not to track individual visitors. All the data is in aggregate only. No personal data is sent to Plausible. Data collected includes referral sources, top pages, visit duration, information from the devices (device type, operating system, country and browser) used during the visit. Read more in the Plausible Analytics Data Policy and our blog. Check-out the Plausible Analytics dashboard for and kiwitcms-container!