Articles by Kiwi TCMS Team

Kiwi TCMS 13.4

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 13.4!

IMPORTANT: This is a small release which contains several improvements, internal refactoring and updated translations!

Recommended upgrade path:

13.3 -> 13.4

You can explore everything at!


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  16bf67e2fc1f    674MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 13.3


  • Update Django from 4.2.12 to 4.2.13
  • Update django-simple-history from 3.5.0 to 3.7.0
  • Update python-gitlab from 4.5.0 to 4.6.0
  • Update uwsgi from to 2.0.26
  • Update node_modules/html5sortable from 0.13.3 to 0.14.0
  • Remove cron job for anonymous analytics
  • Remove anonymous analytics from /admin/ pages
  • Replace inline HTML attributes with CSS classes
  • Make it possible for Kiwi TCMS plugins to provide markdown extensions


  • Remove django-debug-toolbar as a development dependency
  • Update node_modules/eslint-plugin-promise from 6.1.1 to 6.2.0
  • Update node_modules/webpack from 5.91.0 to 5.92.0

Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v13.4-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v13.4
  • Relicense this source code under GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later
  • Prior versions are still licensed under GNU General Public License v3
  • Support Mermaid.js syntax in Markdown fenced code blocks. Closes Issue #3116
  • Update certbot from 2.10.0 to 2.11.0
  • Update certbot-dns-* plugins from 2.10.0 to 2.11.0
  • Update django-ses from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0
  • Update dj-database-url from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0
  • Update kiwitcms-github-app from 1.7.0 to 2.0.0
  • Update kiwitcms-tenants from 2.8.3 to 3.0.0
  • Update sentry-sdk from 2.2.0 to 2.5.1

Private container images            13.4 (aarch64)          d4aaf8b83d66    12 Jun 2024     686MB            13.4 (x86_64)           16bf67e2fc1f    12 Jun 2024     674MB         13.4-mt (aarch64)       c070b5cdf01b    12 Jun 2024     1.05GB         13.4-mt (x86_64)        c3a1059e1884    12 Jun 2024     1.03GB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then follow the Upgrading instructions from our documentation.

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

Several months ago we've announced the collection of anonymous analytics from Kiwi TCMS with the analytics dashboard for this website being immediately accessible via

Today we're happy to share that the anonymous analytics dashboard for the kiwitcms/kiwi container image is fully accessible via

"screenshot of analytics dashboard"

As evident there is no personally identifiable information that is being collected!

Happy Testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Kiwi TCMS 13.3

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 13.3!

IMPORTANT: This is a small release which contains several improvements, bug fixes, internal refactoring and updated translations!

Recommended upgrade path:

13.2 -> 13.3

You can explore everything at!


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  c43a47e388ab    675MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 13.2


  • Update Django from 4.2.11 to 4.2.12
  • Update psycopg from 3.1.18 to 3.1.19
  • Update PyGithub from 1.58.2 to 2.3.0
  • Update pygments from 2.17.2 to 2.18.0
  • Update python-gitlab from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0
  • Replace more inline style= HTML attributes with CSS classes

Bug fixes

  • Truncate TestCase.text length for Jira 1-click bug reports to avoid 400, 414 and/or 500 errors! Text will be truncated to 30k chars for automated POST requests and 6k chars for fallback GET requests to fit inside Jira limitations

Refactoring and testing

  • Remove double slash in Jira fallback URL
  • Stop using the Github(login_or_token) argument b/c it is deprecated
  • Update selenium from 4.20.0 to 4.21.0

Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v13.3-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v13.3
  • Update kiwitcms-github-app from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0
  • Update sentry-sdk from 2.0.1 to 2.2.0
  • Preserve /static/ca.crt file inside the container

Private container images            13.3 (aarch64)          0f9f70835859    20 May 2024     686MB            13.3 (x86_64)           c43a47e388ab    20 May 2024     675MB         13.3-mt (aarch64)       40d0769bc640    20 May 2024     1.05GB         13.3-mt (x86_64)        ea3d8e8999f4    20 May 2024     1.03GB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then follow the Upgrading instructions from our documentation.

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

Kiwi TCMS 13.2

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 13.2!

IMPORTANT: This is a small release which contains several improvements, internal refactoring and updated translations!

Recommended upgrade path:

13.1.1 -> 13.2

You can explore everything at!


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  6cb7c6d669a2    681MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 13.1.1


  • Update Django from 4.2.10 to 4.2.11
  • Update django-grappelli from 3.0.8 to 4.0.1
  • Update django-modern-rpc from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3
  • Update django-tree-queries from 0.16.1 to 0.19.0
  • Update jira from 3.6.0 to 3.8.0
  • Update markdown from 3.5.2 to 3.6
  • Update python-redmine from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0
  • Update uwsgi from 2.0.24 to
  • Update node_modules/pdfmake from 0.2.9 to 0.2.10
  • Update node_modules/es5-ext from 0.10.62 to 0.10.63
  • Update documentation with better installation instructions when using Docker
  • Remove multiple inline style= HTML attributes


  • Don't send outgoing emails to addresses which fail validation, including custom validation configured via the EMAIL_VALIDATORS setting. For example if there are blacklisted addresses Kiwi TCMS will not send messages to them anymore

Refactoring and testing

  • Update black from 23.12.1 to 24.4.2
  • Update selenium from 4.9.1 to 4.20.0
  • Update node_modules/eslint from 8.56.0 to 8.57.0
  • Update nodemodules/webpack from 5.90.3 to 5.91.0
  • Remove unused has_permissions_to_modify()
  • Do not execute Docker image tests as root
  • Add tests for file upload via browser UI

Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v13.2-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v13.2
  • Update certbot from 2.9.0 to 2.10.0
  • Upgrade certbot-dns-* plugins from 2.9.0 to 2.10.0
  • Update django-python3-ldap from 0.15.5 to 0.15.6
  • Update django-ses from 3.5.2 to 4.0.0
  • Update kiwitcms-tenants from 2.6.0 to 2.8.3
  • Update sentry-sdk from 1.40.5 to 2.0.1
  • Update social-auth-app-django from 5.4.0 to 5.4.1
  • Update documentation related to production deployments
  • Add test for file uploads via browser UI

Private container images            13.2 (aarch64)          e596cef147cc    04 May 2024     693MB            13.2 (x86_64)           6cb7c6d669a2    04 May 2024     681MB         13.2-mt (aarch64)       ab6d8f2039b4    04 May 2024     1.06GB         13.2-mt (x86_64)        a6938623851d    04 May 2024     1.04GB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

SaaS changes since v13.1.1

Applies to any digital property under *!

  • @hotmail email addresses are blacklisted
  • email addresses on all .ru domains are blacklisted
  • Existing accounts whose email addresses have been blacklisted will continue to be active, however they will not receive any email communication. This includes confirmation and password reset messages! Users are advised to update their accounts with a different address!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then follow the Upgrading instructions from our documentation.

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

Kiwi TCMS 13.1.1

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 13.1.1!

IMPORTANT: This is a hot-fix release for a bug introduced in v13.1!

Recommended upgrade path:

13.1 -> 13.1.1

You can explore everything at!


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  5574cf84d49e    696MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 13.1

Bug fixes

  • Downgrade node_modules/ from 3.0.0 to 2.4.3. Fixes Issue #3552


  • Use max() built-in function instead of an if block

Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v13.1.1-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v13.1.1

Private container images            13.1.1 (aarch64)        d9bdea3736ce    27 Feb 2024     707MB            13.1.1 (x86_64)         5574cf84d49e    27 Feb 2024     696MB         13.1.1-mt (aarch64)     0c6e3d1d7a05    27 Feb 2024     1.06GB         13.1.1-mt (x86_64)      fe2cb1e64b75    27 Feb 2024     1.04GB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then follow the Upgrading instructions from our documentation.

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

Kiwi TCMS 13.1

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 13.1!

IMPORTANT: This is a small release which contains several improvements, new settings and API methods, bug fixes and internal refactoring!

Recommended upgrade path:

13.0 -> 13.1

You can explore everything at!


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  b64472d820a2    698MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 13.0


  • Update django from 4.2.9 to 4.2.10
  • Update django-simple-history from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0
  • Update mysqlclient from 2.2.1 to 2.2.4
  • Update psycopg from 3.1.17 to 3.1.18
  • Update tzdata from 2023.4 to 2024.1
  • Update uwsgi from 2.0.23 to 2.0.24
  • Update node_modules/ from 2.4.2 to 3.0.0
  • Add robots.txt file to tell various robots to stop probing Kiwi TCMS
  • Resolve the path /favicon.ico because some browsers still search for it
  • Send Referer: header for container HEALTHCHECK command in order to make NGINX logs more readable
  • Allow users to reset their email by asking them to confirm their new address. Fixes Issue #3211
  • Add support for custom email validators on the registration page
  • Move X-Frame-Options header definition into settings
  • Move X-Content-Type-Options header definition into settings
  • Enable anonymous analytics, see here


  • New settings ANONYMOUS_ANALYTICS and PLAUSIBLE_DOMAIN control anonymous analytics
  • New setting EMAIL_VALIDATORS for custom email validation during registration
  • Add the following settings in order to document them - CSRF_COOKIE_AGE, CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY, SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY, CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE and SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE. Most likely you don't need to change their values
  • Respect X_FRAME_OPTIONS setting, defaults to DENY
  • Respect SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF setting, defaults to nosniff
  • Configure SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT setting to True


  • New method TestExecution.remove() which should be used in favor of TestRun.remove_case()

Bug fixes

  • Fix a bug where non-distinct values made it into generated property matrix
  • On TestRun page allow removal of individual parameterized TestExecution(s). Closes Pull #3282

Refactoring and testing

  • Update codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4
  • Update node_modules/webpack from 5.89.0 to 5.90.3
  • Update runner image for CircleCI
  • Fix failure in test_utf8_uploads on CircleCI
  • Several improvements around performance benchmark tests
  • Refactor RegistrationForm.clean_email() using field validator function
  • Add tests for test matrix generation functionality

Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v13.1-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v13.1

  • Replace NGINX with OpenResty with built-in support for Lua scripting

  • Implement request limits configurable via environment variables

  • Initial integration with Let's Encrypt. Closes Issue #253


    • true wildcard certificates are only possible via certbot's DNS plugins while current integration uses --webroot
    • you need to bind-mount /etc/letsencrypt/ and /Kiwi/ssl/ inside the container if you want the Let's Encrypt certificates to persist a restart
  • Replace raven with sentry-sdk

  • Override HEALTHCHECK command

  • Add more tests for container and http functionality

Private container images            13.1 (aarch64)          a611a00ee2bc    26 Feb 2024     709MB            13.1 (x86_64)           b64472d820a2    26 Feb 2024     698MB         13.1-mt (aarch64)       76ef5773b488    26 Feb 2024     1.07GB         13.1-mt (x86_64)        9781119c2348    26 Feb 2024     1.04GB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

SaaS changes since v13.0

Applies to any digital property under *!

  • Newly registered accounts are no longer possible using @yahoo email addresses
  • Anonymous analytics has been enabled, see here

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then follow the Upgrading instructions from our documentation.

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

Anonymous analytics via

Since the very beginning when we launched Kiwi TCMS our team has been struggling to understand how many people use it, how active these users are, which pages & functionality they spend the most time with, how many installations of Kiwi TCMS are out there in the wild and which exactly versions are the most used ones!

We reached over 2 million downloads without any analytics inside the application because we do not want to intrude on our users' privacy and this has not been easy! Inspired by a recent presentation we learned about Plausible Analytics - GDPR, CCPA and cookie law compliant, open source site analytics tool - and decided to use it! You can check-out how it works here.

What is changing

Starting with Kiwi TCMS v13.1 anonymous analytics will be enabled for statistical purposes. Our goal is to track overall usage patterns inside the Kiwi TCMS application(s), not to track individual visitors. All the data is in aggregate only. No personal data is sent to Plausible.

Anonymous analytics are enabled on this website, inside our official container images and for all tenants provisioned under https://* Running containers will report back to Plausible Analytics every 5 days to send the version number of Kiwi TCMS, nothing else! Here's a preview of what it looks like:

"preview of versions report"

You can examine our source code here and here.

Staying true to our open source nature we've made the stats dashboard publicly available immediately! In several months we are going to carefully examine the stats collected by the kiwitcms-container dashboard and consider making them publicly available as well! Most likely we will!

Who uses Plausible

A number of [open source] organizations have publicly endorsed the use of Plausible Analytics:

You can also inspect this huge list of Websites using Plausible Analytics compiled by a 3rd party vendor!

How can I opt-out

  • Leave everything as-is and help us better understand usage of Kiwi TCMS
  • Update the setting PLAUSIBLE_DOMAIN and collect your own stats with Plausible
  • Update the setting ANONYMOUS_ANALYTICS to False and disable all stats

IMPORTANT: Private Tenant customers and demo instance users cannot opt-out! Given that they are consuming digital resources hosted by our own team they have already shared more information with us than what gets sent to Plausible! Note that we do not track individual users, analyze or sell your information to 3rd parties even across our own digital properties!

Happy Testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Kiwi TCMS 13.0

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 13.0!

IMPORTANT: This is a backwards incompatible release which contains security and functional improvements, runtime, settings and API changes, bug fixes, internal refactoring and updated translations!

You can explore everything at!


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  088187a81d3c    686MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 12.7


  • Preventatively patch calls to the built-in xmlrpc.client module using the defusedxml package


  • Update container runtime from Python 3.9 to Python 3.11
  • Update Django from 4.2.7 to 4.2.9
  • Update django-colorfield from 0.10.1 to 0.11.0
  • Update django-modern-rpc from 0.12.1 to 1.0.2
  • Update django-tree-queries from 0.15.0 to 0.16.1
  • Update django-simple-captcha from 0.5.20 to 0.6.0
  • Update jira from 3.5.2 to 3.6.0
  • Update markdown from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2
  • Update mysqlclient from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1
  • Update psycopg from 2.9.9 to 3.1.17
  • Update python-gitlab from 4.1.1 to 4.4.0
  • Update tzdata from 2023.3 to 2023.4
  • Update node_modules/pdfmake from 0.2.8 to 0.2.9
  • Show an icon when some child TPs not shown on Search Test Plans page to let the user know that parent-child hierarchies shown on the page may be incomplete because the data has been filtered out by their search criteria. Closes Issue #3313
  • Hide the Expand/Collapse button Search Test Plans page for TP with 0 children in the result set



The location of the Python runtime inside the container has changed. This affects settings override files as well as any downstream customizations to the Kiwi TCMS container image! For example you may have to adjust Docker volumes like so:

-            - ./
+            - ./
  • Explicitly define the DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE setting. It controls file uploads via RPC, not webUI, because the payload is base64 encoded and is part of the request body. Closes Issue #3262



This version of Kiwi TCMS introduces backward incompatible changes to API methods

  • Method TestRun.filter() no longer returns the field plan__product
  • Method TestRun.filter() no longer returns the field plan__product_version
  • Method TestRun.filter() no longer returns the field plan__product_version__value
  • Method TestRun.filter() now returns the new field build__version
  • Method TestRun.filter() now returns the new field build__version__product
  • Method TestRun.filter() now returns the new field build__version__value

Bug fixes

  • Fix TestPlan cloning with different product (@somenewacc)
  • Fix row reload when adding new comment in TestRun page (@somenewacc)
  • Fix tag display for parametrized executions on TestRun page (@somenewacc)
  • Fix bug in search/display of Version on Search TestRun page. The root cause was that the correct relationship here should have been TR -> Build -> Version which is independent of the relationship TP -> Product -> Version. Fixes Issue #3258
  • Fix bug in search/display of Product on Search TestRun page. The root cause was that the correct relationship here should have been TR -> Build -> Version -> Product which is independent of the relationship TP -> Product
  • Fix Telemetry pages to query Product/Version from execution's data. All of these underlying queries on these pages operate on TestExecution and Product/Version information should be matched against what is stored in TestExecution->Build because it is more accurate over time, while TE->TR->TP->Product/Version is more likely to change as test plan documents evolve
  • Adjust Product & Version display on TestRun page using the relationship TR->Build as the starting point
  • For IssueTracker integration use Product/Version from Note that is initialized with and then may change its value if we're recording results against multiple builds inside the same TestRun. For example mark some executions as PASS, others as FAIL; then update TR to a newer Build; retest and mark the FAIL results as PASS. Using the value of is more accurate
  • Treat the file /Kiwi/etc/uwsgi.override as an ini file and load it if it exists. This means that any override files must include the [uwsgi] section as well

Refactoring and testing

  • Adjust Kiwi TCMS for newer version of django-modern-rpc (Antoine Lorence)
  • Remove commented out code (@deepsource-autofix[bot])
  • Add integration test for uploading files with maximum allowed size
  • Update isort from 5.12.0 to 5.13.2
  • Update node_modules/eslint from 8.54.0 to 8.56.0
  • Update node_modules/eslint-plugin-import from 2.29.0 to 2.29.1
  • Update node_modules/eslint-plugin-n from 16.3.1 to 16.6.2
  • Update actions/setup-python from 4 to 5
  • Update github/codeql-action from 2 to 3
  • Update actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4

Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v13.0-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v13.0

  • Update container runtime from Python 3.9 to Python 3.11

  • Update django-ses from 3.5.0 to 3.5.2

  • Update kiwitcms-github-app from 1.5.1 to 1.6.0

  • Update kiwitcms-tenants from 2.5.2 to 2.6.0

  • Update kiwitcms-trackers-integration from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0

  • Update social-auth-kerberos from 0.2.4 to 0.3.0

  • Start testing with upstream Postgres container image

  • Assert that Personal API Tokens is listed in PLUGINS menu

  • Adjust search path for images during test

    Private container images:            13.0 (aarch64)          edf0999ee223    17 Jan 2024     698MB            13.0 (x86_64)           088187a81d3c    17 Jan 2024     686MB         13.0-mt (aarch64)       58a8321da098    17 Jan 2024     899MB         13.0-mt (x86_64)        2c6fbc6adcc5    17 Jan 2024     885MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

tcms-api changes since v12.7

  • Refresh internal https transport every 4 minutes to avoid an ssl.SSLEOFError: EOF occurred in violation of protocol error on Python 3.10 and later when executing very long running tests
  • Include Python version in User-Agent header
  • Send XML-RPC method name in Referer header
  • When creating a TestPlan limit name to 255 characters
  • When creating a TestCase limit summary to 255 characters

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then follow the Upgrading instructions from our documentation.

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

For a long time now Kiwi TCMS has supported integration with external issue tracking systems, such as JIRA. This integration is usually configured via bot accounts and their respective credentials and our flagship functionality is 1-click bug report! This is how it looks like:

  • For any TestExecution click on the menu in the corner "Corner menu for TestExecution"

  • Select an existing Issue Tracker configuration and click Report bug "1-click bug report button"

  • Your browser will open a new window with the resulting report inside the external Issue Tracker "Newly JIRA issue from a bot account"

Notice that Reporter (field 1) is kiwitcms-bot although the currently logged in user (field 2) is different. The Reporter text reference (field 3) is the full name of the tester working on the Kiwi TCMS side and may not match neither of fields 1 and 2! This presents a challenge if you are tracking any metrics based on the actual Reporter field in JIRA.

The new Personal API tokens functionality allows Kiwi TCMS users to override existing issue tracker configurations with their own API credentials. Here's how it works:

  • In JIRA click on your account and select Manage account "Manage account menu in JIRA"

  • Then select the Security tab "Account page in JIRA"

  • Then click on Create and manage API tokens "Security tab of Account page in JIRA"

  • And create a new API token; Copy the token value for use inside Kiwi TCMS! "API Tokens page in JIRA"

  • From the Kiwi TCMS navigation menu select PLUGINS -> Personal API tokens "Navigate to Personal API tokens in Kiwi TCMS"

  • Select an existing Issue Tracker via its URL and fill-in your credentials. For JIRA api_username is your JIRA email and api_password is your JIRA API token. Other issue trackers may only require the api_password field. The meaning of these fields can be found in documentation for each different type of issue tracker that Kiwi TCMS can integrate with "Create a new API token in Kiwi TCMS"

  • Repeat the 1-click bug report steps shown in the beginning. Your browser will open a new window with the resulting report inside JIRA "New JIRA issue from your personal account"

Notice that Reporter (field 1), the currently logged in user (field 2) and the Reporter text reference (field 3) now represent the same person!

Happy Testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

"Cfp banner"

Attention testers! On behalf of the Testing and Continuous Delivery devroom we'd like to announce that call for participation is still open. This room is about building better software through a focus on testing and continuous delivery practices across all layers of the stack. The purpose of this devroom is to share good and bad examples around the question β€œhow to improve quality of our software by automating tests, deliveries or deployments” and to showcase new open source tools and practices.

Note: for FOSDEM 2024 this devroom is a merger between the former Testing and Automation and Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment devrooms and is jointly co-organized between devroom managers in previous FOSDEM editions! Kiwi TCMS is proud to be part of the team hosting this devroom!

Important: devroom will take place on Sunday, February 4th 2024 at ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium! Presentations will be streamed online but all accepted speakers are required to deliver their talks in person!

Here are some ideas for topics that are a good fit for this devroom:

Testing in the real, open source world

  • War stories/strategies for testing large scale or complex projects
  • Tools that extend the ability to test low-level code, e.g. bootloaders, init systems, etc.
  • Projects that are introducing new/interesting ways of testing "systems"
  • Address the automated testing frameworks fragmentation
  • Stories from end-users (e.g. success/failure)
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Continuous Deployment
  • Security in Software Supply Chain
  • Pipeline standardization
  • Interoperability in CI/CD
  • Lessons learned

Cool Tools (good candidates for lightning talks)

  • Project showcases, modern tooling
  • How your open source tool made developing quality software better
  • What tools do you use to setup your CI/CD
  • Combining projects/plugins/tools to build amazing things "Not enough people in the open source community know how to use $X, but here's a tutorial on how to use $X to make your project better."

In the past the devroom has seen both newbies/students and experienced professionals and past speakers as part of the audience and talks covering from beginner/practical to advanced/abstract topics. If you have doubts then submit your proposal and leave a comment for the devroom managers and we'll get back to you.

To submit a talk proposal (you can submit multiple proposals if you'd like) use Pretalx, the FOSDEM paper submission system. Be sure to select Testing and Continuous delivery!

Checkout for more information!

Happy Testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Kiwi TCMS 12.7

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 12.7!

IMPORTANT: This is our first release after reaching 2 million downloads on Docker Hub earlier this month! It is a small release which contains security related updates, several improvements, bug fixes and internal refactoring!

You can explore everything at!


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  973df48a2f82    613MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 12.6.1


  • Update django from 4.2.4 to 4.2.7. Fixes CVE-2023-46695, CVE-2023-43665 and CVE-2023-41164
  • Update django-simple-captcha from 0.5.18 to 0.5.20
  • We believe that none of these issue affect Kiwi TCMS directly however we recommend that you upgrade your installation as soon as possible


  • Update bleach from 6.0.0 to 6.1.0
  • Update django-colorfield from 0.9.0 to 0.10.1
  • Update django-grappelli from 3.0.6 to 3.0.8
  • Update django-simple-history from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0
  • Update markdown from 3.4.4 to 3.5.1
  • Update psycopg2 from 2.9.7 to 2.9.9
  • Update pygments from 2.16.1 to 2.17.2
  • Update python-gitlab from 3.15.0 to 4.1.1
  • Update uwsgi from 2.0.22 to 2.0.23
  • Update node_modules/crypto-js from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0
  • Update node_modules/ from 2.4.1 to 2.4.2
  • Update node_modules/pdfmake from 0.2.7 to 0.2.8
  • Update bug-tracker integration documentation with specifics about matches for product name
  • When searching for JIRA projects try also matching by project key
  • Fall-back to credentials from database if settings.EXTERNAL_ISSUE_RPC_CREDENTIALS override returns None


  • New migrations after upgrading django-color-field. Increases field max_length from 18 to 25

Bug fixes

  • Fix error in filtering by TestRun ID on TestCase Search page (@somenewacc)
  • Fix TestRun page to not automatically update its stop_date when marking statuses for test executions if there are more neutral executions left on the page outside of the currently filtered selection (@somenewacc)
  • Fix bug with JIRA integration not being able to find project via name

Refactoring and testing

  • Refactor calls to delete expandedExecutionIds to satisfy (@somenewacc)
  • Refactor calls to delete expandedTestCaseIds to satisfy
  • Use tuple as the cache-key for IssueTrackerType.rpc_cache internally
  • Add test for collectstatic because of an upstream issue with django-grappelli
  • Improve tests for JIRA integration
  • Test against Bugzilla on Fedora 39
  • Update actions/checkout from 3 to 4
  • Update node_modules/eslint from 8.48.0 to 8.54.0
  • Update node_modules/eslint-plugin-import from 2.28.1 to 2.29.0
  • Update node_modules/eslint-plugin-n from 16.0.2 to 16.3.1
  • Update node_modules/webpack from 5.88.2 to 5.89.0
  • Update pylint-django from 2.5.3 to 2.5.5 and all of our custom linter rules

Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v12.7-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v12.7

  • Update kiwitcms-tenants from 2.5.1 to 2.5.2

  • Update kiwitcms-trackers-integration from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0

    Provides functionality for personal API tokens. Accessible via PLUGINS -> Personal API tokens menu!

    WARNING: in order for users to be able to define personal API tokens for 3rd party bug-trackers they will need to be assigned permissions.

    Kiwi TCMS administrators should consider granting the following permissions:

    tracker_integrations | api token | Can add api token
    tracker_integrations | api token | Can change api token
    tracker_integrations | api token | Can delete api token
    tracker_integrations | api token | Can view api token

    either individually per-user basis or via groups!

  • Update python3-saml from 1.15.0 to 1.16.0

  • Update social-auth-app-django from 5.2.0 to 5.4.0

    Private container images:            12.7 (aarch64)          aa6a4c5434c9    25 Nov 2023     624MB            12.7 (x86_64)           973df48a2f82    25 Nov 2023     613MB         12.7-mt (aarch64)       e19c493e7291    25 Nov 2023     814MB         12.7-mt (x86_64)        f38a49d661ad    25 Nov 2023     801MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then follow the Upgrading instructions from our documentation.

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

"2M banner"

We are happy to share that Kiwi TCMS has surpassed 2 million downloads on Docker Hub. At the time of writing this blog post the exact number is 2004544! We say a big THANK YOU you to our entire community!

As luck would have it we were able to announce this achievement at the annual OpenFest conference in Bulgaria and celebrate the day with not one, but two kiwi bird mascots. "Presenting at OpenFest 2023"

Thank you and Happy testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Kiwi TCMS 12.6.1

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 12.6.1!

IMPORTANT: This is a small release which contains several improvements, bug fixes and new translations!

You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  c2a9b82871d9    598MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 12.5


  • Update allpairspy from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1
  • Update django from 4.2.3 to 4.2.4
  • Update mysqlclient from 2.1.1 to 2.2.0
  • Update uwsgi from 2.0.21 to 2.0.22
  • Update pygments from 2.15.1 to 2.16.1
  • Update psycopg2 from 2.9.6 to 2.9.7
  • Update node_modules/ from 2.3.6 to 2.4.1
  • Update node_modules/markdown from 3.4.3 to 3.4.4
  • Update node_modules/word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4
  • Update documentation for JIRA integration
  • Clarify the django-ses add-on mentioned in documentation
  • Add a button to delete URLs from test executions. Fixes Issue #2936
  • Show traceback info during IssueTracker health-check to make it easier to debug problems


  • Define IssueTracker.rpc_credentials property to make it easier to override credentials for IssueTracker integrations


  • Allow overriding IssueTrackerType.rpc_credentials via the EXTERNAL_ISSUE_RPC_CREDENTIALS setting

Bug fixes

  • Hide all expanded child rows in TestPlan Search page. Fixes Issue #3245 (@somenewacc)
  • Fix wrong query parameter on DASHBOARD page (@somenewacc)
  • Fix template variable for form fields in search pages (@somenewacc)
  • Prevent multiplication of callbacks for data tables (@somenewacc)
  • Don't fail IssueTracker health-check if we didn't use OpenGraph
  • Reorder items under SEARCH menu for consistency with items under the TESTING menu. Fixes Issue #3315

Refactoring and testing

  • Update node_modules/eslint from 8.44.0 to 8.48.0
  • Update node_modules/eslint-plugin-import from 2.27.5 to 2.28.1
  • Update node_modules/eslint-plugin-n from 16.0.1 to 16.0.2
  • Update node_modules/webpack from 5.88.1 to 5.88.2
  • Fix exception when no history objects found in TestExecutionFactory
  • Move append items to list definition
  • Provide /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/mariadb.pc inside buildroot
  • Remove unused translation string in ar_SA locale


Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v12.6.1-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v12.6.1

  • Update dj-database-url from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0

    Private images:            12.6.1 (aarch64)        323f49dbe0f8    31 Aug 2023     607MB            12.6.1 (x86_64)         c2a9b82871d9    31 Aug 2023     598MB         12.6.1-mt (aarch64)     34a63fa8e979    31 Aug 2023     860MB         12.6.1-mt (x86_64)      dbf819ed00cc    31 Aug 2023     849MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then execute the commands:

cd path/containing/docker-compose/
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ upgrade

Refer to our documentation for more details!

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

"University of Utah + Kiwi TCMS logos"

The University of Utah is a public research university in Salt Lake City, USA. It is the flagship institution of the Utah System of Higher Education and was established in 1850.

The University of Utah's School of Computing, founded as the Computer Science Department in 1965, has a long and distinguished record of high impact research. The university has provided large, automated testbeds since around the year 2000, funded by the National Science Foundation.

The Flux Research Group conducts research in operating systems, networking, security, and virtualization. The group consists of three faculty and over two dozen research staff, graduate students, and undergrads.

POWDER (the Platform for Open Wireless Data-driven Experimental Research) is flexible infrastructure enabling a wide range of software-defined experiments on the future of wireless networks. POWDER supports software-programmable experimentation on 5G and beyond, massive MIMO, ORAN, spectrum sharing and CBRS, RF monitoring, and anything else that can be supported on software-defined radios.

In the words of David M. Johnson, research staff:

The addition of Kiwi TCMS to our POWDER mobile wireless testbed helps to support the complex multi-system, end-to-end functional test and integration scenarios we see in the 5G/O-RAN/beyond mobile wireless space.

We use Kiwi TCMS as part of an on-demand environment that POWDER provides to users that can help them automate testing using a workflow approach, from CI-triggered orchestration from scratch in our cloud-like environment, through resource configuration and running test suites, to finally collecting results into private instances of Kiwi TCMS.

We use both the Stackstorm and Dagster workflow engines to execute our test and integration workflows. The stackstorm-kiwitcms library is a simple Stackstorm "integration pack" (Python source code in this case) that invokes and re-exports much of the core Kiwi TCMS XML-RPC API (with some minor sugar) into Stackstorm, so that each API function is exposed as a Stackstorm action (the fundamental unit of its workflows). This means that the workflows can orchestrate resources into test scenarios; configure the resources; create or instantiate Kiwi TCMS test runs/executions/metadata; execute tests; and push test results/status into Kiwi TCMS records, upload attachments, etc, for persistence.

We use a fork of Kiwi TCMS right now so that we could upload attachments to test runs via the API. That was a trivial change which made its way upstream as part of Kiwi TCMS version 12.1.

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Kiwi TCMS 12.5

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 12.5!

IMPORTANT: this is a small release which contains security related updates, several improvements and new translations!

You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  9a689f9866d9    597MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 12.4


  • Update django from 4.2.2 to 4.2.3. Fixes CVE-2023-36053 - ReDoS vulnerability
  • Patch misconfigured HTTP headers allowing stored XSS execution. Fixes CVE-2023-36809
  • Sanitize test plan name in tree_view_html() function to reduce the opportunity for exploiting stored XSS vulnerabilities
  • Extend the list of file upload validators to reduce the opportunity for exploiting stored XSS vulnerabilities


  • Update django-colorfield from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0
  • Update django-extensions from 3.2.1 to 3.2.3
  • Update django-simple-captcha from 0.5.17 to 0.5.18
  • Update django-tree-queries from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0
  • Update jira from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2
  • Update python-gitlab from 3.14.0 to 3.15.0
  • Small update to HEALTHCHECK command in container
  • Replace mysql with native mariadb commands for backup/restore

Refactoring and testing

  • Update node_modules/eslint from 8.42.0 to 8.44.0
  • Update node_modules/eslint-plugin-n from 16.0.0 to 16.0.1
  • Update node_modules/webpack from 5.85.0 to 5.88.1
  • Update node_modules/webpack-cli from 5.1.3 to 5.1.4
  • Pin Selenium to 4.9.1 b/c of failures with 4.10.0
  • Add configuration for testing with reverse proxy
  • Assert that Nginx proxy doesn't strip response headers
  • Assert on the number of Content-Type headers for attachments
  • Update how we seed GitLab API token used for testing


Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v12.5-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v12.5

  • Update django-python3-ldap from 0.15.4 to 0.15.5

  • Install django-prometheus inside container

  • Pin Selenium to 4.9.1 b/c of failures with 4.10.0

    Private images:            12.5 (aarch64)          2349e3ea1b78    04 Jul 2023     606MB            12.5 (x86_64)           9a689f9866d9    04 Jul 2023     597MB         12.5-mt (aarch64)       56634afe511a    04 Jul 2023     852MB         12.5-mt (x86_64)        cdfd6965ad4e    04 Jul 2023     841MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then execute the commands:

cd path/containing/docker-compose/
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ upgrade

Refer to our documentation for more details!

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

Kiwi TCMS 12.4

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 12.4!

IMPORTANT: this is a small release which contains security related updates, few improvements and new translations!

You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  5f88a1a37a39    599MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 12.3


  • Improved checks when uploading potentially dangerous files. Fixes CVE-2023-33977


  • Update django from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2
  • Update jira from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1
  • Add HEALTHCHECK command for Docker container
  • Add searching by TestRun summary in Telemetry pages. Fixes Issue #3190
  • Make it more clear when email notifications trigger. Closes Issue #3212
  • Improve messaging for Issue Tracker Configuration health check. References Issue #3141, closes Issue #3191, closes Issue #34


  • Update node_modules/eslint from 8.40.0 to 8.42.0
  • Update node_modules/eslint-plugin-n from 15.7.0 to 16.0.0
  • Update node_modules/eslint-config-standard from 17.0.0 to 17.1.0
  • Update node_modules/webpack from 5.83.1 to 5.85.0
  • Update node_modules/webpack-cli from 5.1.1 to 5.1.3
  • Update GitLab test data initialization b/c the database inside the container image has changed


Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v12.4-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v12.4

  • Update kiwitcms-trackers-integration from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0

    Private images:            12.4 (aarch64)          2d1f5f1ead8a    06 Jun 2023     607MB            12.4 (x86_64)           5f88a1a37a39    06 Jun 2023     598MB         12.4-mt (aarch64)       254794a5c858    06 Jun 2023     851MB         12.4-mt (x86_64)        5bc0ef78a3c4    06 Jun 2023     840MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then execute the commands:

cd path/containing/docker-compose/
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ upgrade

Refer to our documentation for more details!

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

Kiwi TCMS 12.3

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 12.3!

IMPORTANT: this is a small release which contains security related updates, general improvements and new translations!

You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  1cbaba8640d9    594MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 12.2


  • Update Django from 4.1.8 to 4.2.1 which contains a fix for CVE-2023-31047. We believe this does not affect Kiwi TCMS
  • Implement better scanning for embedded <script> tags in uploaded files
  • Force Content-Type: text/plain when serving uploaded files. See GHSA-x7c2-7wvg-jpx7
  • Explicitly configure top-level permissions for CI jobs as read-all
  • Pass untrusted input via intermediate ENV variables in CI jobs


  • Update nginx from 1.20 to 1.22
  • Update django-grappelli from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6
  • Update pygithub from 1.58.1 to 1.58.2
  • Add Helm chart examples (Michael Abramovich)

Refactoring and testing

  • Update node_modules/webpack-cli from 5.0.1 to 5.1.1
  • Update node_modules/webpack from 5.80.0 to 5.83.1
  • Update node_modules/eslint from 8.38.0 to 8.40.0
  • Update tests/bugzilla/fedora from 37 to 38
  • Enable the checkov static linter


Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v12.3-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v12.3

  • Update dj-database-url from 1.3.0 to 2.0.0

  • Update django-ses from 3.3.0 to 3.5.0

  • Update kiwitcms-tenants from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1

  • Explicitly set permissions to read-all

  • Enable checkov linter

    Private images:            12.3 (aarch64)          8bf8cd56c565    22 May 2023     601MB            12.3 (x86_64)           1cbaba8640d9    22 May 2023     592MB         12.3-mt (aarch64)       36d6670c3fca    22 May 2023     845MB         12.3-mt (x86_64)        e769e6bdb5c1    22 May 2023     835MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then execute the commands:

cd path/containing/docker-compose/
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ upgrade

Refer to our documentation for more details!

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

Kiwi TCMS 12.2

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 12.2!

IMPORTANT: this release contains security related updates, general improvements, bug fixes, some API changes and new translations!

You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  89b8ca5e0f5f    593MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 12.1


  • For security reasons updating email address is no longer allowed. Fixes CVE-2023-30544
  • Block uploads of potentially harmful files. Fixes CVE-2023-30613


  • Update Django from 4.1.7 to 4.1.8
  • Update django-attachments from 1.9.1 to 1.11
  • Update psycopg2 from 2.9.5 to 2.9.6
  • Update pygments from 2.14.0 to 2.15.1
  • Update python-gitlab from 3.13.0 to 3.14.0
  • Add INFO message for User/Group pages in Admin panel which indicates whether the user is viewing records from the main tenant or from an individual tenant to avoid confusion
  • Add new Execution Dashboard telemetry report. Closes Issue #2918
  • Add column visibility button on search pages. Fixes Issue #3149
  • Add CSV, Excel, PDF and Print buttons on search pages. Fixes Issue #3150
  • Allow manually resetting TestRun.stop_date when editing page. Refs Issue #3124
  • Display child test plans on Search Test Plans page. Fixes Issue #2917
  • Display nested test plans in drop down select widget on Search Test Cases page. Fixes Issue #3134
  • Display nested test plans in drop down select widget on Telemetry pages
  • Display pagination controls for search results both at the top and bottom
  • On Search Test Runs page display start/stop timestamp columns. Closes Issue #2306
  • On Search Test Cases page display results from child test plans. Fixes Issue #3135


  • TestExecution.update() method will no longer update self.stop_date and fields when status has been changed! The appropriate behavior here should be specified by the client calling this API method. Refs Issue #3112
  • TestPlan.filter() method now returns the children_count field. Refs Issue #3134, Issue #2917
  • TestExecution.filter() method now returns status__icon & status__color fields

Bug fixes

  • Fix test case filter widget on Test Plan page. Fixes Issue #3137
  • Disable selection of inactive test plans on New Test Run page. Fixes Issue #3152
  • Add styled page for attachment upload errors. Fixes Issue #1156
  • Fix include syntax for uwsgi.override in uwsgi.conf


  • Add additional query parameters for updateTestPlanSelectFromProduct()
  • Add preProcessData callback to updateTestPlanSelectFromProduct()
  • Remove unused telemetry.css file
  • Remove unused parameter from updateTestPlanSelectFromProduct()
  • Replace hand-crafted pagination controls with the ones built into DataTables
  • Replace useless form_errors_to_list() function
  • Skip RobotFramework tests on aarch64 b/c of Selenium error, tested on x86_64
  • Update node_modules/webpack from 5.76.3 to 5.80.0
  • Update node_modules/eslint from 8.37.0 to 8.38.0


Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v12.2-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v12.2

  • Update social-auth-app-django from 5.0.0 to 5.2.0

    Private images:            12.2 (aarch64)          7e88241f7476    23 Apr 2023     601MB            12.2 (x86_64)           89b8ca5e0f5f    23 Apr 2023     592MB         12.2-mt (aarch64)       7f2a05cf9888    23 Apr 2023     843MB         12.2-mt (x86_64)        c4f518a20c58    23 Apr 2023     833MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then execute the commands:

cd path/containing/docker-compose/
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ upgrade

Refer to our documentation for more details!

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

Kiwi TCMS 12.1

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 12.1!

IMPORTANT: this is a minor release which contains security related updates, general improvements, bug fixes and new translations!

You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  590c0cd6f25f    521MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 12.0


  • Add the Content-Security-Policy header to block inline JavaScript. Fixes CVE-2023-27489
  • Add the X-Frame-Options header to deny loading Kiwi TCMS into an iframe
  • Add the X-Content-Type-Options header


  • Update django-grappelli from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5
  • Update django-simple-history from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0
  • Update jira from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0
  • Update markdown from 3.4.1 to 3.4.3
  • Update pygithub from 1.57 to 1.58.1
  • Update tzdata from 2022.7 to 2023.3
  • Do not allow last super-user to be deleted (Ivajlo Karabojkov)
  • Improve loading time on test runs pages which have large number of executions with components, parameters and/or tags (@somenewacc)
  • Expose all RPC methods in the documentation
  • Update documentation to describe transitions for TestRun statuses. Closes Issue #3124


  • Allow uWSGI configuration override via the file /Kiwi/etc/uwsgi.override


  • New API method TestRun.add_attachment (David M. Johnson)
  • New API method Environment.filter() method. Refs Issue #3034 (@somenewacc)
  • New API method Environment.create(). Closes Issue #3034 (@somenewacc)

Bug fixes

  • Fix /admin/testcases/template/ page not being able to render the text editor


  • Refactor bugtracker integration
  • Remove unnecessary onChanged function for DurationWidget
  • Refactoring to avoid inline <script> tags


Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v12.1-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v12.1

  • Update dj-database-url from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0

  • Update kiwitcms-github-app from 1.4.1 to 1.5.1

  • Update kiwitcms-trackers-integration from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0

  • Add test for missing migrations

    Private images:            12.1 (aarch64)          571870729367    29 Mar 2023     528MB            12.1 (x86_64)           590c0cd6f25f    29 Mar 2023     520MB         12.1-mt (aarch64)       0a1e2f092351    29 Mar 2023     734MB         12.1-mt (x86_64)        9f44aaab7646    29 Mar 2023     725MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then execute the commands:

cd path/containing/docker-compose/
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ upgrade

Refer to our documentation for more details!

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

Kiwi TCMS 12.0

We're happy to celebrate our 14th anniversary with Kiwi TCMS version 12.0!

IMPORTANT: this is a new major release which contains security related updates, general improvements, bug fixes and new translations!

You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  cbe275c11098    518MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 11.7



  • Update bleach from 5.0.1 to 6.0.0

  • Update django-tree-queries from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0

  • Update python-gitlab from 3.12.0 to 3.13.0

  • Update python-redmine from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0

  • Update node_modules/json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2

  • Switch from Apache to Nginx + uWSGI

    • uWSGI will spawn worker processes for each available CPU core
    • reduce container image by around 50 MB


    No longer support KIWI_DONT_ENFORCE_HTTPS environment variable

Bug fixes

  • Load SimpleMDE for Admin pages. Fixes Issue #3057
  • Don't show all builds on Search Test Runs page before Product and Version fields are initialized when loading the page directly

Refactoring and testing

  • Remove deprecated setDaemon() method (Ivajlo Karabojkov)
  • Execute docker tests against localhost instead of container IP
  • Test performance baseline on certain pages with wrk
  • Conditionally execute top-level UI functions
  • Raise RuntimeError instead of Exception to satisfy newer pylint checks

Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v12.0-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v12.0

  • Update kiwitcms-github-app from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1

  • Update kiwitcms-tenants from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0

    Private images:            12.0 (aarch64)          21507017de36    15 Feb 2023     527MB            12.0 (x86_64)           cbe275c11098    15 Feb 2023     518MB         12.0-mt (aarch64)       a67e0c1ac309    15 Feb 2023     727MB         12.0-mt (x86_64)        3da1342bcd01    15 Feb 2023     717MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then execute the commands:

cd path/containing/docker-compose/
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ upgrade

Refer to our documentation for more details!

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

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