
Kiwi TCMS 12.0

We're happy to celebrate our 14th anniversary with Kiwi TCMS version 12.0!

IMPORTANT: this is a new major release which contains security related updates, general improvements, bug fixes and new translations!

You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  cbe275c11098    518MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 11.7



  • Update bleach from 5.0.1 to 6.0.0

  • Update django-tree-queries from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0

  • Update python-gitlab from 3.12.0 to 3.13.0

  • Update python-redmine from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0

  • Update node_modules/json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2

  • Switch from Apache to Nginx + uWSGI

    • uWSGI will spawn worker processes for each available CPU core
    • reduce container image by around 50 MB


    No longer support KIWI_DONT_ENFORCE_HTTPS environment variable

Bug fixes

  • Load SimpleMDE for Admin pages. Fixes Issue #3057
  • Don't show all builds on Search Test Runs page before Product and Version fields are initialized when loading the page directly

Refactoring and testing

  • Remove deprecated setDaemon() method (Ivajlo Karabojkov)
  • Execute docker tests against localhost instead of container IP
  • Test performance baseline on certain pages with wrk
  • Conditionally execute top-level UI functions
  • Raise RuntimeError instead of Exception to satisfy newer pylint checks

Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v12.0-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v12.0

  • Update kiwitcms-github-app from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1

  • Update kiwitcms-tenants from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0

    Private images:            12.0 (aarch64)          21507017de36    15 Feb 2023     527MB            12.0 (x86_64)           cbe275c11098    15 Feb 2023     518MB         12.0-mt (aarch64)       a67e0c1ac309    15 Feb 2023     727MB         12.0-mt (x86_64)        3da1342bcd01    15 Feb 2023     717MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then execute the commands:

cd path/containing/docker-compose/
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ upgrade

Refer to our documentation for more details!

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

Kiwi TCMS 11.7

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 11.7 and Happy New Year!

IMPORTANT: this is a small release which contains security updates, general improvements, bug fixes and new translations!

You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  316d5d4865a1    572MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 11.6


  • Update bootstrap, bootstrap-select, eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker, jquery and moment-timezone Node.js packages

  • Enable password validators to avoid users choosing weak passwords:

    • password can’t be too similar to other personal information
    • password must contain at least 10 characters
    • password can’t be a commonly used password
    • password can’t be entirely numeric


    Existing users are advised to reset their passwords! For more information see GHSA-496x-2jqf-hp7g


  • Update django from 4.1.3 to 4.1.5
  • Update django-colorfield from 0.7.2 to 0.8.0
  • Update django-grappelli from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4
  • Update django-simple-history from 3.0.0 to 3.2.0
  • Update django-tree-queries from 0.11.0 to 0.13.0
  • Update pygments from 2.13.0 to 2.14.0
  • Update python-gitlab from 3.11.0 to 3.12.0
  • Update tzdata from 2022.6 to 2022.7
  • Make navigation menu more compact by moving it into the header
  • Don't install development dependencies for Node.js packages when building the container image


  • Add migrations to reflect indexing changes in django-simple-history 3.1.0. On large databases these will take a while to complete!

Bug fixes

  • Trigger on-change handler for Test Case Search pop-up. Fixes Issue #2679
  • Fix the + Build button on Bug and TestRun pages which didn't properly select Product & Version
  • Editing TestRun page now properly saves all datetime fields instead of reverting them to None
  • Initialize planned_start and planned_stop fields when cloning a TestRun

Refactoring and testing

  • Start using webpack for JavaScript assets. Closes Issue #1262
  • Refactor duplicated setup in Telemetry pages. Closes Issue #1118
  • Add CodeQL workflow for GitHub code scanning
  • Make it possible to override attachments card title
  • Remove useless tooltip from Telemetry pages
  • Define page ID for each page that has a .ready() function
  • Replace deprecated jQuery syntax for .ready()
  • Remove duplicate populateProductVersion() function
  • Resolve all of the remaining eslint issues
  • Use more precise assert methods in tests


Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v11.7-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v11.7

  • Update dj-database-url from 1.0.0 to 1.2.0

  • Update django-python3-ldap from 0.15.3 to 0.15.4

  • Update django-ses from 3.2.2 to 3.3.0

  • Update kiwitcms-tenants from 2.3.2 to 2.4.0 to allow customization of tenant logo in navigation

  • Update python3-saml from 1.14.0 to 1.15.0

  • Add CodeQL workflow for GitHub code scanning

  • Adjust ldap commands for Ubuntu 22.04.1 during testing in CI

    Private images:            11.7 (aarch64)          54ca241ac5ca    02 Jan 2023     595MB            11.7 (x86_64)           316d5d4865a1    02 Jan 2023     571MB         11.7-mt (aarch64)       6657a3c197e8    02 Jan 2023     802MB         11.7-mt (x86_64)        80f6d959d90a    02 Jan 2023     778MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then execute the commands:

cd path/containing/docker-compose/
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ upgrade

Refer to our documentation for more details!

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

"Devroom banner"

Attention testers! On behalf of Testing and Automation devroom we'd like to announce that the final program for the devroom is ready!

We received over 30 submissions this year and the entire collection of topics was extremely good. During FOSDEM we are going to see topics around functional testing for the Linux kernel, growing testing infrastructure for Linux, testing of new networking protocols, observability-driven development, the testing history behind the GNOME desktop environment, property-based testing and mutation testing.

Important: devroom will take place 09:00 to 12:50, Sunday, February 5th 2023 at ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium.

If you are around don't forget to check-out our friends from the Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment devroom on Saturday, February 4th 2023!

See you there and happy testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Kiwi TCMS 11.6

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 11.6! This is our first release after the very positive reception we had at WebSummit 2022!

IMPORTANT: this is a small release which contains security updates, general improvements, bug fixes and new translations!

You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  9773335a58d1    612MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 11.5



  • Update django-extensions from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1

  • Update jira from 3.4.0 to 3.4.1

  • Update psycopg2 from 2.9.3 to 2.9.5

  • Update pygithub from 1.55 to 1.57

  • Update python-gitlab from 3.9.0 to 3.11.0

  • Update tzdata from 2022.2 to 2022.6

  • Container is now built on top of Red Hat Enteroprise Linux 9 and Python 3.9


    There is high risk of breaking downstream containers. Pay attention to bind-mounted settings files. Inspect downstream Dockerfile & docker-compose.yml files !!!

  • Unify some translation strings

  • Document add-on issue tracker integrations

  • Rename Properties to Parameters because "test case parameters" is more widely used

Bug fixes

  • JIRA.get_issue_type_from_jira() now accepts a second argument. Fixes Issue #2929 (@cmbahadir)
  • Fix typo in documentation (Christian Clauss)
  • Trim white-space after splitting parameter values. For example the inputs 'OS=Linux' and 'OS = Windows ' will result in Key: 'OS', Values: ['Linux', 'Windows']

Refactoring and testing

  • Update Fedora from 32 to 36 in /tests/bugzilla
  • Remove Travis CI config b/c we don't use it anymore
  • Add Coverity Scan as a GitHub action
  • Don't scan devel dependencies with Coverity Scan
  • Redirect to where we came from in case posting a comment results in invalid form
  • Configure Dependabot to update Docker containers and try tightening security around docker containers used during testing
  • Use npm audit fix to automatically update some Node.js dependecies
  • Execute npm audit signatures when installing Node.js packages
  • Start using find_namespace_packages() to resolve 'Package would be ignored' warnings from setuptools
  • Add missing field in setup() to avoid a warning

Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v11.6-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v11.6

  • Update containers for RHEL 9, CentOS Stream 9 and Python 3.9

  • Update actions/checkout from 2 to 3

  • Update django-ses from 3.1.2 to 3.2.2

  • Update kiwitcms-tenants from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2

  • Update kiwitcms-trackers-integration from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0. Supports integration with OpenProject and Mantis BT. Closes Issue #2203 and Issue #879

    Private images:            11.6 (aarch64)          cf244e2f1dac    08 Nov 2022     636MB            11.6 (x86_64)           9773335a58d1    08 Nov 2022     612MB         11.6-mt (aarch64)       55cf76524ebd    08 Nov 2022     858MB         11.6-mt (x86_64)        61f48a62666b    08 Nov 2022     832MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then execute the commands:

cd path/containing/docker-compose/
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ upgrade

Refer to our documentation for more details!

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

"Cfp banner"

Attention testers! On behalf of Testing and Automation devroom we'd like to announce that call for participation is now open.

Important: devroom will take place 09:00 to 12:50, Sunday, February 5th 2023 at ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium! Presentations will be streamed online but all accepted speakers are required to deliver their talks in person! The devroom will not host pre-recorded videos in 2023!

Here are some ideas for topics that are a good fit for this devroom:

Testing in the real, open source world

  • War stories/strategies for testing large scale or complex projects
  • Demystify resource e.g. systems/device/cloud provisioning in a CI loop
  • Tools that extend the ability to test low-level code, e.g. bootloaders, init systems, etc.
  • Projects that are introducing new/interesting ways of testing "systems"
  • Address the automated testing frameworks fragmentation
  • Lessons learned from testing

Cool Tools (good candidates for lightning talks)

  • How your open source tool made developing quality software better
  • What tools do you use to setup your CI/CD
  • Combining projects/plugins/tools to build amazing things "Not enough people in the open source community know how to use $X, but here's a tutorial on how to use $X to make your project better."

In the past the devroom has seen both newbies/students and experienced professionals and past speakers as part of the audience and talks covering from beginner/practical to advanced/abstract topics. If you have doubts then submit your proposal and leave a comment for the devroom managers and we'll get back to you.

Checkout for more information!

Happy Testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Kiwi TCMS is happy to announce that we're taking part in WebSummit 2022, Nov 01-04 in Lisbon, Portugal. We're joining as a featured startup in the Enterprise Software Solutions category.

Kiwi TCMS will have an on-site presence on Wednesday, Nov 02 at Pavilion 4, Stand A709. Check-out the map for more details: venue map

For engineers

At the exhibition stand you will have the opportunity to perform some real black-box testing, learn about Salience bias, Peltzman effect and Wason's experiments and take a photo with our lovely mascot. We've got new stickers too!

Alex and Zaklina will be there to answer all of your questions regarding open source, community, support, various integrations and the differences between Self-Support, SaaS and Enterprise subscriptions!

"black boxes"

IMPORTANT: We've previously announced participation in Testing Portigal at the end of November. Unfortunately this had to be canceled due to personal reasons. If you are a test or QA engineer please swing by and Alex can tell you a bit about his presentation!

For partners

If you are another ISV providing engineering tools, a product outsourcing company or a devel/testing services venture we've got a partnership proposal for you!

We're interested in partners where we can integrate other products with Kiwi TCMS and provide a better offering; provide extra services (e.g. managed hosting) and/or provide more transparency to your own customers (e.g. allow them to see how their products are being tested).

Message us via the WebSummit mobile app and request a meeting or better yet, find our team on-site!

After hours

The Kiwi TCMS team will be joining the following after-hours events:

Catch-up with us for a beer and let's talk testing and open source!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Kiwi TCMS 11.5

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 11.5!

IMPORTANT: This is a small release which contains several improvements, bug fixes and new translations!

You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  66c51b64e0a6    608MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 11.4


  • Update jira from 3.3.1 to 3.4.0
  • Update pygments from 2.12.0 to 2.13.0
  • Update python-gitlab from 3.7.0 to 3.9.0
  • Update tzdata from 2022.1 to 2022.2
  • Add Product drop down field in Build admin page. Closes Issue #2818
  • Add 'prune' argument required for Django 4.1 compatibility
  • Improve documentation around DEFAULT_GROUPS
  • Update docs about language preferences and add a Change language menu item. Closes Issue #2901, Issue #2902, Issue #2903
  • Performance improvement for Status matrix telemetry
  • Performance improvement for Execution trends telemetry
  • Display a spinner widget while telemetry data is still loading. Closes Issue #1801

Bug fixes

  • Fix error Jquery deferred: No length property of null object (@cmbahadir)

Refactoring and testing

  • Add test for AnonymousViewBackend & auth. permissions
  • Exclude auth.view_ permissions from AnonymousViewBackend
  • Specify 30 seconds timeout for internal requests via the requests library

Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v11.5-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v11.5

  • Update django-python3-ldap from 0.15.2 to 0.15.3

  • Update django-ses from 3.1.0 to 3.1.2

  • Update kiwitcms-tenants from 2.1.1 to 2.3.0

  • Update kiwitcms-github-app from 1.3.3 to 1.4.0

    Private images:            11.5 (aarch64)          4be7894de8ae    06 Sep 2022     638MB            11.5 (x86_64)           66c51b64e0a6    06 Sep 2022     608MB         11.5-mt (aarch64)       82d64398d8bf    06 Sep 2022     862MB         11.5-mt (x86_64)        8a5b0b58bcca    06 Sep 2022     829MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then execute the commands:

cd path/containing/docker-compose/
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ upgrade

Refer to our documentation for more details!

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

Kiwi TCMS 11.4

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 11.4!

IMPORTANT: This is a medium sized release which contains security related updates, multiple improvements, database and API changes, new settings, bug fixes and new translations!

You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  8c8356c0268d    610MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 11.3



  • Update bleach from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1
  • Update django-colorfield from 0.6.3 to 0.7.2
  • Update django-extensions from 3.1.5 to 3.2.0
  • Update django-tree-queries from 0.9.0 to 0.11.0
  • Update jira from 3.2.0 to 3.3.1
  • Update markdown from 3.3.6 to 3.4.1
  • Update mysqlclient from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1
  • Update python-gitlab from 3.3.0 to 3.7.0
  • Update node_modules/marked from 4.0.14 to 4.0.18
  • Relax docutils requirement. Use latest version
  • Add template block which will allow logo customizations (Ivajlo Karabojkov)
  • Don't show PLUGINS menu when no plugins are installed. References Issue #2729
  • Add information about Kiwi TCMS user to 1-click bug reports. Closes Issue #2591
  • Use a better icon to signify a manual test inside the user interface
  • Change UserAdmin to be permission based instead of being role-based. Fixes Issue #2496
  • Allow post-processing of automatically created issues. Closes Issue #2383
  • Allow more customization over issue type discovery for Jira. Closes Issue #2833
  • Allow more customization over project discovery for Jira
  • Allow more customization over Redmine tracker. Closes Issue #2382
  • Allow DB settings to be read from Docker Secret files. Fixes Issue #2606
  • Add filter on TestRun page to show test executions assigned to the current user. Closes Issue #333
  • Add URL for creating new TestRun from a TestPlan. The format is /runs/from-plan/<plan-id>/. Closes Issue #274
  • Add bug.Severity attribute which is fully customizeable. Closes Issue #2703
  • Update documentation around TCMS_ environment variables used by automation plugins
  • Update documentation to denote that pytest plugin is now generally available
  • Document necessary permissions for adding new users. References Issue #2496


  • New migration for bug.Severity model



  • If default_tester field is not specified for TestRun.create() method then use the currently logged-in user.
  • Return value for method TestExecution.filter() now contains fields expected_duration and actual_duration. Closes Issue #1924
  • Return value for method Bug.filter() now contains fields severity__name, severity__icon and severity__color

Bug fixes

  • Adjust field name when rendering test execution on TestRun page. Fixes Issue #2794
  • Render rich text editor preview via backend API:
    • Makes display on HTML pages and editor preview the same. Fixes Issue #2659
    • Fixes a bug with markdown rendered in JavaScript. Fixes Issue #2711
  • Stop propagation of HTML unescape which causes display issues with code snippets that contain XML values. Fixes Issue #2800
  • Show bug text only when creating new records, not when editing
  • Properly display & validate related form fields when editing bugs
  • Don't send duplicate emails when editing bugs. Fixes Issue #2782

Refactoring and testing

  • Convert two assignment statements to augmented source code. Closes Issue #2610 (Markus Elfring)

  • Rename method IssueTrackerType.report_issue_from_testexecution():

    • Rename to _report_issue() which returns tuple of (object, str)
    • In case new issue was not created automatically and the method falls back to manual creation the return value will be (None, str)
    • report_issue_from_testexecution() will call _report_issue() internally and handle the change in return type


    • This change is backwards compatible!
    • For customized issue tracker integration you will have to apply the same changes to your customized code if you wish new functionality, like post-processing of automatically created issues to work.
  • Add tests for backup & restore commands. Closes Issue #2695

  • Update versions of several CI tools

  • Updates around new version of pylint

  • Use codecov-action to upload coverage results

  • Remove setuptools and other workarounds in tests

  • Don't special case dependencies which already provide wheel packages

  • Workaround an issue with setuptools_git_archive introduced by jira==3.2.0

  • Workaround the fact that django-ranged-response doesn't provide wheels

  • Report test results via kiwitcms-django-plugin. Closes Issue #1757

Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v11.4-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v11.4

  • Update django-python3-ldap from 0.13.1 to 0.15.2

  • Update django-ses from 3.0.1 to 3.1.0

  • Update dj-database-url from 0.5.0 to 1.0.0

  • Add more icons for extra GitHub login backends

  • Add images for various Google login backends

    Private images:         11.4-mt (aarch64)       f5720d030612    03 Aug 2022     862MB         11.4-mt (x86_64)        8ffd5a64a4d1    03 Aug 2022     829MB            11.4 (aarch64)          62207c605dcf    03 Aug 2022     639MB            11.4 (x86_64)           8c8356c0268d    03 Aug 2022     610MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then execute the commands:

cd path/containing/docker-compose/
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ upgrade

Refer to our documentation for more details!

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

Mejor Sitio Web 2022

Kiwi TCMS is happy to announce that we have been awarded a "Best Website 2022" award by, scoring 36/40 on their evaluation. The review criteria can be found at

Querido equipo de Kiwitcms,


Habéis logrado lo que muchos otros desean:

Habéis acumulado 36/40 puntos en nuestra investigación de mercado y por lo tanto calificasteis (mínimo 30 de 40 puntos necesarios) para nuestro premio Mejor Sitio Web 2022.

Resultados y criterios de investigación

URL: Kiwitcms-Team

Puntos: 36/40

Our team is happy to accept this award, which comes exactly 2 years after we became an OpenAwards winner.

Thank you and Happy testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Kiwi TCMS is happy to announce that we're taking part in Collision 2022, Jun 20-23 in Toronto, Canada. We're joining as a featured startup in the Enterprise Software Solutions category.

Kiwi TCMS will have an on-site presence on Thursday, Jun 23, Stand A3201. Check-out the map for more details: venue map

For engineers

At the exhibition stand you will have the opportunity to perform some real black-box testing, learn about Salience bias, Peltzman effect and Wason's experiments and take a photo with our lovely mascot.

The Kiwi TCMS team will be there to answer all of your questions regarding open source, community, support, various integrations and the differences between Self-Support, SaaS and Enterprise subscriptions!

"black boxes"

If you are a test or QA engineer please answer our survey Participants may claim a small surprise at our booth!

For startups

We know that in a startup, the major strength of the people is that they are multitaskers. And it is often the case that the founders will perform some functional and acceptance testing because they know all the important use-cases.

Still you need to document and organize your testing activities early on. You need to start collecting information about which features of the product have been tested and how they have been tested. That's the basis on which you can scale your QA team and future testing activities.

If you are a fellow startup exhibitor please swing by out stand to talk about organizing your product testing with Kiwi TCMS. We know the drill because we're in the same boat!

For partners

If you are another ISV providing engineering tools, a product outsourcing company or a devel/testing service venture we've got a partnership proposal for you!

We're interested in partners where we can integrate other products with Kiwi TCMS and provide a better offering; provide extra services (e.g. managed hosting) and/or provide more transparency to your own customers (e.g. allow them to see how their products are being tested).

Message us via the Collision app and request a meeting or better yet, find our team on-site!

Virtual press conference

If you aren't around in Toronto please join us for a pre 2022 Collision News Conference (VIRTUAL) on Wednesday, June 15, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. EDT / 17:00 - 18:00 UTC.

For more information see

After hours

The Kiwi TCMS team will be joining the following after-hours events:

For media

If you have any questions, need additional information or would like to schedule an interview, please email Steve Winter at swinter @ (remove spaces) or call 202-468-8100.

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Kiwi TCMS is pleased to welcome Zaklina Stojnev to our team!

She holds an engineering degree in computer science and has been working as a test engineer for more than 10 years. In the last couple of years her main focus is automation in testing, finding ways to improve testing process and tools that will support testing activities.

Zaklina will be the primary contact for our History of Testing project where we are compiling a database of people who influenced or made important contributions to our professional field.

With her prior experience as a conference organizer Zaklina will also be lending a much needed hand in preparing the Testing and Automation devroom at FOSDEM and showcasing Kiwi TCMS at different events.

You can find her on-boarding progress at TR-1190 and her contributions on GitHub.

Happy Testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

Hello testers, we are conducting a little research/survey into how other testers and QA professionals use modern platforms like GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket. At this moment in time our goal is to collect as much information as possible in order to understand the existing ecosystem.

If you can spare 5 minutes of your time please check-out

We promise there will be no follow up emails unless you indicate that you agree to that.

Happy Testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

Kiwi TCMS is pleased to announce new versions of our plugins for different test automation frameworks:

These new versions are compatible with Kiwi TCMS v11.x and include several improvements and bug fixes. Check-out the pages above for individual information and instructions on how to use them.

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Kiwi TCMS 11.3

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 11.3 which is the 100th tagged version in our git repository!

IMPORTANT: This is a small release which contains security related updates, several improvements, bug fixes and new translations! Most importantly the kiwitcms-tenants plugin now supports tenant groups and permissions!

You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  58dcfa91e816    629MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 11.2



  • Update bleach from 4.1.0 to 5.0.0
  • Update django-tree-queries from 0.7.0 to 0.9.0
  • Update jira from 3.1.1 to 3.2.0
  • Update pygments from 2.11.2 to 2.12.0
  • Update python-gitlab from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0
  • Update tzdata from 2021.5 to 2022.1
  • Update node_modules/marked from 4.0.12 to 4.0.14
  • Update node_modules/prismjs from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0
  • Allow overriding of Azure Boards API version. Closes Issue #2717
  • If tenant_groups is enabled then refresh_permissions command will update default tenant groups too
  • Document tenant-group permissions


  • New setting AZURE_BOARDS_API_VERSION, defaults to 6.0. Can be overriden directly in settings or via environment variable with the same name

Bug fixes

  • Patch for repositories under GitLab subgroups. Fixes Issue #2643 (@cmeissl)
  • Don't crash if a comment user has been removed. Fixes KIWI-TCMS-HZ


  • Split Users & Groups menu items under ADMIN entry in navigation
  • [] updates
  • pylint adjustments


Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v11.3.1-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v11.3

  • Update django-ses from 2.6.0 to 3.0.1

  • Update kiwitcms-tenants from 1.11.0 to 2.1.1 for tenant groups support

    Private images:         11.3.1-mt (aarch64  58a53d616105    27 Apr 2022     894MB         11.3.1-mt (x86_64)  3b5e7fbd234a    27 Apr 2022     847MB            11.3 (aarch64)      e9f34a86cd0b    27 Apr 2022     671MB            11.3 (x86_64)       58dcfa91e816    27 Apr 2022     627MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then execute the commands:

cd path/containing/docker-compose/
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ upgrade

Refer to our documentation for more details!

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us grow!

Kiwi TCMS 11.2

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 11.2.

IMPORTANT: This is a small release which contains several improvements, new API methods, internal refactoring and new translations! This is the first release to ship aarch64 container images!

You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)


Upstream container images (x86_64):

kiwitcms/kiwi   latest  bcc4c658440a    622MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and multi-arch container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 11.1


  • Update django from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3
  • Update django-grappelli from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3
  • Update django-simple-captcha from 0.5.14 to 0.5.17
  • Update python-bugzilla from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0
  • Update python-gitlab from 3.1.1 to 3.2.0
  • Update node_modules/prismjs from 1.26.0 to 1.27.0
  • Add new command to perform a collection of post-upgrade tasks. Kiwi TCMS admins are advised to replace migrate with upgrade (Ivajlo Karabojkov)


  • New API method Category.create(). Fixes Issue #2705 (Erik Heeren)
  • New API method Classification.create(). Fixes Issue #2705 (Erik Heeren)

Refactoring and testing

  • Add docker build & push automation
  • Fix Bandit exclusion rule
  • Test and build on aarch64
  • Apply auto fixes fro
  • Apply auto fixes from Deepsource
  • Update versions of several GitHub Actions
  • Use the appropriate path to package.json for Dependabot
  • Remove old Telemetry link in menu to avoid confusion

Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v11.2-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v11.2

  • Update django-ses from 2.4.0 to 2.6.0

  • Update python3-saml from 1.13.0 to 1.14.0

  • Revert "Use from Django==3.2.12". Instead use the implementation from latest Django version. Closes Issue #140

  • Start building kiwitcms/enterprise on aarch64

  • Add changelog check & docker release automation

  • Add test for PSA login URLs on login page. References Issue #83

  • Add SAML & Azure AD logo images

  • Update GitHub Actions

  • Hard-code testing with Keycloak 16.1.1 to workaround significant differences with Keycloak v17 container

    Private images:         11.2-mt (aarch64)   fe5e869e36f6    09 Mar 2022    890MB         11.2-mt (x86_64)    134320d5fb7c    09 Mar 2022    841MB            11.2 (aarch64)      3b782830d19d    09 Mar 2022    665MB            11.2 (x86_64)       bcc4c658440a    09 Mar 2022    620MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged, multi-arch and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then execute the commands:

cd path/containing/docker-compose/
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ upgrade

Refer to our documentation for more details!

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

An active Kiwi TCMS subscription ensures a sustainable future for all open source software maintained by the Kiwi TCMS team and provides its holder with access to software versions and certain level services. Given recent changes to private container credentials we have refreshed our product and service definitions.

New Self Support subscription

This is an entry-level subscription which provides read-only access to version tagged containers of upstream Kiwi TCMS. It is suitable for experimentation, very small teams, development against Kiwi TCMS and convenience during upgrades.

You are free to use any older or future versions of Kiwi TCMS available from the kiwitcms/version container repository!

This subscription plan is also available via GitHub Marketplace.

Private Tenant

This is our most popular subscription type.

Starting today it also includes access to the kiwitcms/version container repository! This is suitable for teams who prefer to be hosting Kiwi TCMS on-premise instead of using the namespace provided under *

This subscription plan is also available via GitHub Marketplace.

Everything else remains the same!

Enterprise Subscription

This is Kiwi TCMS tailored towards on-premise deployments in larger organizations. Starting today it also automatically includes 1x Private Tenant which can be used for development or experiments.

Support availability has been extended by 2 hours in order to cover more geographic areas!

Future features coming to enterprise subscribers - tools for provisioning of Kiwi TCMS inside cloud environments and aarch64 containers.

Price has been increased to 400 $/mo.

New Managed Hosting subscription

This new offering is designed for the organizations which don't want to bother with provisioning containers, configuring DNS resolution, managing SSL certificates, regular upgrades and backups. The Kiwi TCMS team can do all of this for you and provide a fully isolated instance inside AWS.

Support availability has been extended by 2 days, covering Saturday and Sunday. When necessary Managed Hosting subscribers have the option for video conferences with their support contact.

All changes are effective immediately. Existing customers are granted access to everything that's new while billing changes are not applied.

If you prefer the "free beer" version of Kiwi TCMS it is available via docker pull kiwitcms/kiwi - free to use and without any guarantees according to GPLv2.

Please consider subscribing and help us make Kiwi TCMS better!

Happy Testing!

Kiwi TCMS subscribers had to go through a manual process of registering a username with our container registry, and email support before they could access private docker images. This process is now fully automated!

"private credentials card"

Credentials are automatically created upon subscription payment and configured for read-only access to respective repositories based on the type of subscription. You can find your credentials at the subscriptions page, PLUGINS -> Subscriptions. To authenticate try

$ docker login -u="USERNAME" -p "PASSWORD-TOKEN"
# or
$ echo "PASSWORD-TOKEN" | docker login -u="USERNAME" --password-stdin

If you would like to have access to private container repositories for Kiwi TCMS checkout the containers page and subscribe!

Happy Testing!

Kiwi TCMS 11.1

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 11.1.

IMPORTANT: This is a small release which contains security related updates, several improvements, bug fixes and new translations!

You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)


Container images:

kiwitcms/kiwi       latest  72099aa8ee93    629 MB
kiwitcms/kiwi       6.2     7870085ad415    957 MB
kiwitcms/kiwi       6.1.1   49fa42ddfe4d    955 MB
kiwitcms/kiwi       6.1     b559123d25b0    970 MB
kiwitcms/kiwi       6.0.1   87b24d94197d    970 MB
kiwitcms/kiwi       5.3.1   a420465852be    976 MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 11.0


  • Update Django from 3.2.10 to 4.0.2 to fix several fulnerabilities: CVE-2022-22818, CVE-2022-23833, CVE-2021-45115, CVE-2021-45116, CVE-2021-45452. Of those we believe that only CVE-2022-23833: Denial-of-service possibility in file uploads may directly impact Kiwi TCMS


  • Update django-contrib-comments from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0
  • Update django-uuslug from 1.2.0 to 2.0.0
  • Update python-gitlab from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1
  • Update node_modules/marked from 4.0.10 to 4.0.12


  • New migration for django-simple-captcha


  • New setting USE_CAPTCHA, defaults to True
  • The string "captcha" is added to INSTALLED_APPS

Bug fixes

  • Fix inappropriate RPC calls causing Version and Build dropdown widgets to display no values. Fixes Issue #2704

Refactoring and testing

  • Add tzdata to requirements
  • Replace django-recaptcha with django-simple-captcha
  • Adjust /init-db view to reliably detect when applying database migrations is complete and not exit prematurely


Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v11.1-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v11.1

  • Update kiwitcms-github-app from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3

  • Update django-ses from 2.3.1 to 2.4.0

  • Update python3-saml from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0

  • Workaround UnicodeDecodeError while building the docker image

    Private images:         11.1-mt         df5ce509fd41   854 MB            11.1            72099aa8ee93   629 MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then execute the commands:

cd path/containing/docker-compose/
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ migrate

Refer to our documentation for more details!

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

Kiwi TCMS 11.0

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 11.0.

IMPORTANT: This is a new major release which contains security related updates, several improvements, API changes, bug fixes and new translations!

You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)


Container images:

kiwitcms/kiwi       latest  6600bc56a544    622 MB
kiwitcms/kiwi       6.2     7870085ad415    957 MB
kiwitcms/kiwi       6.1.1   49fa42ddfe4d    955 MB
kiwitcms/kiwi       6.1     b559123d25b0    970 MB
kiwitcms/kiwi       6.0.1   87b24d94197d    970 MB
kiwitcms/kiwi       5.3.1   a420465852be    976 MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged container images are available only to subscribers!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 10.5


  • Update Django to 3.2.11
  • Update django-colorfield from 0.4.5 to 0.6.3
  • Update django-grappelli from 2.15.3 to 3.0.2
  • Update psycopg2 from 2.9.2 to 2.9.3
  • Update pygments from 2.10.0 to 2.11.2
  • Update python-gitlab from 2.10.1 to 3.1.0
  • Update node_modules/prismjs from 1.25.0 to 1.26.0
  • Update node_modules/marked from 2.1.3 to 4.0.10
  • Admin panel now allows to view, add, edit and delete Environment records
  • Allow selection of environment when creating new TestRun and display the chosen values inside the TestRun page. Closes Issue #1344
  • Creating a TestRun will now generate test execution matrix based on the available environment and test case properties. Closes Issue #1843
  • When generating a test execution matrix the supported algorithms are "full" and "pairwise". Closes Issue #1931
    • Feature is enabled for test runs which contain test cases. This feature is not shown when creating an empty test run
    • This feature isn't supported when subsequently adding new test cases to test run
  • Record a random hex number under /Kiwi/uploads/installation-id

Detailed information about properties, environments and test matrix generation can be found in a separate article.


  • New model testrun.Environment
  • New model testrun.EnvironmentProperty
  • New model testrun.Property


These newly added models create additional permission labels with names testruns | environment | Can .... environment, testruns | property | Can .... property, testruns | environment property | Can .... environment property

Execute refresh_permissions and/or assign them manually to users and groups if they should be able to interact with the new objects!


  • Update the value of MODERNRPC_METHODS_MODULES setting to include modules with the new API methods


  • Method TestRun.add_case will now return a list.


    This breaks API compatibility with older versions and will break all plugins which rely on this method. Use plugins v11 or greater!

  • Method TestRun.add_case return value will now include a field named properties

  • New methods, Environment.add_property and Environment.remove_property

  • New method

Bug fixes

  • Send e-mail notification when adding comments to bugs. Fixes Issue #2232 (@cmbahadir)
  • Disable the "+" button when there is no related element selected. Fixes Issue #2561 (@cmbahadir)
  • When cloning test plans keep the existing test case sort order inside the resulting test plan. Fixes Issue #2218 (Nicolas Gelot)
  • Configure en_US.UTF-8 locale inside container. Allows upload of files with unicode names. Fixes Issue #2600

Refactoring and testing

  • Refresh logo design
  • Pylint fixes
  • Pin setuptools b/c of problem with django-extensions
  • Remove redundant test scenario
  • Shell script refactoring

Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v11.0-mt

  • Based on Kiwi TCMS v11.0

  • Update kiwitcms-tenants from 1.8.0 to 1.11.0

    Private images:         11.0-mt         a730291750f8   846 MB            11.0            6600bc56a544   622 MB

IMPORTANT: version tagged and Enterprise container images are available only to subscribers!

How to upgrade

Backup first! Then execute the commands:

cd path/containing/docker-compose/
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ migrate

Refer to our documentation for more details!

Happy testing!


If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

The upcoming Kiwi TCMS v11 contains new functionality around TestCase parameters and TestRun environments which has an impact on how your final test execution matrix will look like. This article provides detailed information about these features but have in mind that they are still considered to be a technology-preview.


Consider a login functionality which accepts email address and password. Possible states for these fields are:

  • Email address:

    • valid - well formed email string, exists in database, access is allowed
    • invalid - malformed email string, should not exist in the DB but this fact is not relevant to the test
    • disabled - well formed email string, exists in database, access is not allowed
  • Password:

    • correct - matches the value in database for the given email address
    • another - matches the value in database which is related to another email address
    • wrong - doesn't match the value in database
    • empty - value is empty string, a special case of wrong
    • invalid - value doesn't conform to predefined rules. May or may not be relevant to login functionality

Depending on how the software under test is put together you can design multiple test cases. Fundamentally however these are the same test case and the above states are input parameters to it!

Definition: TestCase parameters are different input values which do not fundamentally affect the result of a test case! A TestCase with parameters will result into multiple test executions!

In other words you will be executing a parameterized test scenario multiple times with different input values! Inside Kiwi TCMS the actual parameter values during execution are recorded into the TestExecution model which will not change if you modify test case parameter values afterwards!

Definition: TestExecution parameters record a snapshot of TestCase parameters at the time when you intended to execute a particular test scenario!


A testing environment represents the specifics of where exactly you executed your test suite. Consider this example:

The default desktop environment of Fedora is GNOME, but if you prefer an alternative, you can download installation media which contains slightly differently defaults, e.g. KDE, Xfce, MATE and others, see

Regardless of which Fedora variant you choose the expected functionallity of the default desktop experience is the same. However this can only be guaranteed with exhaustive testing across all variants. Check-out the test matrix at

Definition: a TestRun environment is a set of attributes which apply to the entire test suite at the time of execution. Usually you expect test results in different environments to be the same!

In Kiwi TCMS environments are represented as named containers of key/value pairs. The same key may have multiple values! They can be found under ADMIN -> Everything else -> Environments.

Because environments are meant to affect the entire test suite they are linked to the TestRun model. When creating a new test run you can select multiple Environment records.

Test matrix generation

The existing behavior in Kiwi TCMS is that when a test run is created there will be only one test execution for every test case which is added inside this test run.

In the Fedora example shown above some of the test cases also have their own parameters, e.g. the QA:Testcase_desktop_app_basic scenario.

Definition: TestRun environment key/values will be combined with TestCase parameter key/values to form the final test matrix! This opens up the possibility for combinatorial test execution generation.

Once parameters and environment(s) are specified you will start seeing multiple test executions for the same test case inside newly created test runs. By default a full-combination test matrix will be created. The other option is to pairwise all key/value records.

Important: test execution generation works only when creating or cloning a test run that contains test cases. This feature still does not work for test cases added after a test run is created!

Environment(s) vs Tag(s)

Inside Kiwi TCMS you can use both environments and tags to annotate test runs. There are 3 important facts that hold true:

  • Tags possess only informational value, they don't influence how you perform testing;
  • Environments possess informational value and govern the final test matrix;
  • Environments which have a single value for each different key are the same as tags!

"Example from #1344"

If we look at this example from Issue #1344 we can make out the following keys:

  • Driver - 2 values
  • API - 2 values
  • Python - 2 values
  • Java - 1 value
  • Eclipse - 1 value
  • Host OS - 1 value
  • Target OS - 1 value
  • Redistributable - 1 value
  • Testing Type - 1 value

Here Driver, API and Python clearly should affect your test matrix. Otherwise there isn't much point in having the different values recorded in the first place. That results in a 8x multiplication factor for every functionality that may be affected/related to these attributes, presumably the entire functionality of the product under test.

Java, Eclipse, Host OS and Target OS carry only informational value but they look like more values could be possible. If that's the case these attributes will also affect the overall test matrix.

Redistributable and Testing Type look like information-only attributes. They don't appear to have any relevance to the test matrix at all. The same information-only effect can be achieved both with environments and with tags.

Practical rules:

  1. Attributes which affect a single test case should be defined as TestCase parameters
  2. Attributes which affect all test cases in a suite should be defined as TestRun environment(s)
  3. One big TestRun is likely the best from organizational and optimizational point of view

You may decide to have multiple smaller test runs, usually with 1 value per environment key, if you think that fits your workflow better. However you may be missing on some optimizations if you choose to do so.

Real life example

To illustrate how all of these new features work let's look at Partitioning custom software RAID test case from Fedora QA. It instructs the tester to install Linux and inside the partitioning screen create a Software RAID partition, format it with a filesystem and assign a mount point! It is expected that once installation is complete the machine will reboot, tester will be able to login as root and the created filesystem will be available!

Factors that could affect this functionality:

  • Raid Level: Fedora supports 7 of them - 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 10 and linear. These are all different drivers located under /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/md

  • Mount Point: / for example is mounted very early in the boot process, /home is mounted much later. / also relates to rescue mode, while /home doesn't. /home, if corrupted, may affect the terminal login process though

  • Encryption: Yes/No. This is stackable on top of the RAID device and "should-just-work". However it is often included into other partitioning test cases in order to discover weird issues and because it is a critical functionality

We may add the actual filesystem type, used to format the RAID block device, e.g. xfs, ext3, ext4, but that's not needed here! Here's how this test case looks in Kiwi TCMS:

"RAID test case"

Remember that Fedora comes with multiple variants for multiple CPU architectures! Of those we'll consider Server and Workstation, which are both available for the aarch64 and x86_64 CPU architectures. Here's how this can be represented inside Kiwi TCMS:

"Fedora variants represented as environment"

Next we need to organize test execution for an upcoming release by creating test run(s) and selecting environment and matrix generation type: "New test run with environment"

The possible outcomes are:

  • 112 test executions: full test matrix between all Fedora variants and all RAID parameters
  • 56 test executions: 4 TR x 14 TE; one TR/variant without environment; RAID parameters are pairwised
  • 16 test executions: all Fedora variants are pairwised together with all RAID parameters

Finally this is how the resulting test run looks like. Notice the 3 boxes icon for each test execution, listing the actual parameters which should be used during testing:

"TR with environment, TE with parameters"

Environment parameters are read-only here b/c they have been copied to all test execution records. It usually doesn't make sense to modify your environment mid-way during test execution. If that's needed or you've made a mistake it's probably easier to create a new test run.

Happy Testing!

If you like what we're doing and how Kiwi TCMS supports various communities please help us!

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