
Roadmap status report for 2018

Hello everyone, in this article I will outline the progress that the Kiwi TCMS team has made towards achieving the goals in our 2018 roadmap (mid-year update here). TLDR; goals are completed at 62%. Refactoring legacy code is showing good results, less so on the front-end side and there are items still in progress!

Make code easier to maintain

Status: good progress

Initially CodeClimate reported a "D" rating with 600+ code smells and 600+ duplications and a 1 year estimation to resolve these. We're now down to "C" rating with 171 smells and 203 duplications.

The level of technical debt has dropped from 32.5% down to 17.7% and we have removed around 14000 lines of Python code and 8000 lines of JavaScript code without losing significant functionality.

Checkout the stats for more info!

Use pylint and pylint-django

Status: almost finished

Both pylint and pylint-django have been integrated into our CI workflow. There are even some custom built plugins that we use. The number of issues reported is down to 100 from 4000+ initially. These are predominantly fixme comments which are also in parts of the code that are scheduled for removal and refactoring.

Render HTML, return JSON

Status: moderate progress

Several views were modified to return pure JSON but we've not done any targeted work to resolve this issue. A number of other views have been removed in favor of using the existing JSON-RPC layer.

This is an internal refactoring effort which isn't very visible from the outside. This is also one of the factors contributing to the high number of removed source code.

Submit forms, post JSON, GET clean URLs

Status: no progress

Not much has been done in this area except the occasional refactoring to JSON-RPC.

API layer

Status: complete


Status: moderate progress, dropped

All RPC methods have been documented! The rest of the internals will be documented as we go along.

No vendored JavaScript libraries

Status: good progress

We still carry around jQuery, jQuery-UI and Handlebars.js. They will be removed once the pages using them are converted to use the Patternfly widgets library.

Less HTML templates with better organization

Status: moderate progress

There are still over 50 HTML templates in tcms/templates/ that need to be refactored into Patternfly. We've been working on them one at a time and will focus more on this effort in the next couple of months.

Modern interface with Patternfly

Status: moderate progress

Some of the pages have been converted to use Patternfly. The most important pages that still have a different look and feel are TestPlan view, TestCase view and TestRun view. These are also the hardest to convert because they have lots of tabs/components which pull information from various places. Our goal is to create reusable widgets for the various components (e.g. a list of TestCases) and then include these components into several different templates to minimize code duplication.

JavaScript updates and front-end testing

Status: moderate progress

A number of JavaScript functions have been refactored and removed during the past few releases but there are still thousands of lines of code left to deal with. This effort is mostly happening in parallel with the Patternfly redesign. We still don't have anything to test front-end JavaScript functionality!

Community efforts

Status: good progress

We are seeing a steady stream of new users registered on and there are several active contributors on GitHub. Most of our translators are very active and keep their respective languages fresh and up to date!

Kiwi TCMS was represented at OSCAL Tirana, DjangoCon Heidelberg, PyCon Prague, HackConf Sofia, PiterPy St. Petersburg and OpenFest Sofia. We've also been approved for a project stand at FOSDEM 2019 so watch this blog for more news.

Happy testing!

Kiwi TCMS 6.3

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 6.3! This is a medium severity security update that includes new versions of Django and Patternfly, new database migrations, lots of improvements, bug fixes and internal refactoring. This version also introduces integration with GitLab issue tracker! You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)

Docker images:       latest  8135624fdca2    960.3 MB       6.2     7870085ad415    957.6 MB       6.1.1   49fa42ddfe4d    955.7 MB       6.1     b559123d25b0    970.2 MB       6.0.1   87b24d94197d    970.1 MB       5.3.1   a420465852be    976.8 MB

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 6.2.1


  • Resolve medium severity XSS vulnerability which can be exploited when previewing malicious text in Simple MDE editor. See CVE-2018-19057, SNYK-JS-SIMPLEMDE-72570
  • Use mozilla/bleach before rendering Markdown to the user as a second layer of protection against the previously mentioned XSS vulnerability


  • Update to Django 2.1.4
  • Update to Patternfly 3.58.0
  • Make docker container restartable (Maik Opitz, Adam Hall)
  • Add GitLab issue tracker integration. Fixes Issue #176 (Filipe Arruda, Federal Institute of Pernambuco)
  • Convert Create new TestPlan page to Patternfly (Anton Sankov)
  • Upon successful registration show the list of super-users in case new accounts must be activated manually. This can be the same or expanded version of the addresses in the ADMIN setting. Include super-users in email notifications sent via tcms.signals.notify_admins().
  • Don't include admin/js/*.js files in templates when not necessary. Results in faster page load. Fixes Issue #209
  • Enable nl2br Markdown extension which allows newline characters to be rendered as <br> tags in HTML. Visually the rendered text will look closer to what you seen in the text editor. Fixes Issue #623
  • Use auto-complete for adding components to TestCase

Removed functionality

  • Bulk-update of Category for selected TestCase(s) inside of TestPlan
  • Bulk-update of Components for selected TestCase(s) inside of TestPlan
  • Bulk-update of automated status for selected TestCase(s) inside of TestPlan
  • Bulk-remove for TestCase Component tab

These actions have always been a bit broken and didn't check the correct permission labels. You can still update items individually!

  • Selection of Components when creating new TestCase. Closes Issue #565. Everywhere else Kiwi TCMS doesn't allow selection of many-to-many relationships when creating or editing objects. Tags, Bugs, Components, TestPlans can be added via dedicated tabs once the object has been saved.

Bug fixes

  • Hide KiwiUserAdmin.password field from super-user. Fixes Issue #610
  • Don't show inactive Priority. Fixes Issue #637
  • Don't traceback when adding new users via Admin. Fixes Issue #642
  • Teach TestRun.update() API method to process the stop_date field. Fixes Issue #554 (Anton Sankov)
  • Previously when reporting issues to Bugzilla, directly from a TestRun, Kiwi TCMS displayed the error Enable reporting to this Issue Tracker by configuring its base_url although that has already been configured. This is now fixed. See Stack Overflow #53434949


  • Remove TestPlan.owner field, duplicates



  • Remove fmt_queries(). Fixes Issue #330 (Anton Sankov)
  • Remove unused parameter from plan_from_request_or_none(). Refers to Issue #303 (Anton Sankov)
  • Remove ComponentActions() class. Fixes Issue #20
  • Convert lots of AJAX calls to JSON-RPC
  • Remove lots of unused Python, JavaScript and templates. Both after migration to JSON RPC and other leftovers
  • Pylint fixes (Alexander Todorov, Anton Sankov)

How to upgrade

If you are using Kiwi TCMS as a Docker container then:

cd Kiwi/
git pull
docker-compose down
docker pull
docker pull centos/mariadb
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ migrate

Don't forget to backup before upgrade!

WARNING: and docker-compose.yml will always point to the latest available version! If you have to upgrade in steps, e.g. between several intermediate releases, you have to modify the above workflow:

# starting from an older Kiwi TCMS version
docker-compose down
docker pull<next_upgrade_version>
edit docker-compose.yml to use<next_upgrade_version>
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ migrate
# repeat until you have reached latest

Happy testing!

Kiwi TCMS 6.2.1

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 6.2.1! This is a small release that includes some improvements and bug-fixes. You can explore everything at!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (or newer)

Docker images:       latest  24338088bf46    956.8 MB       6.2     7870085ad415    957.6 MB       6.1.1   49fa42ddfe4d    955.7 MB       6.1     b559123d25b0    970.2 MB       6.0.1   87b24d94197d    970.1 MB       5.3.1   a420465852be    976.8 MB

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 6.2


Bug fixes

  • Fix InvalidQuery, field TestCase.default_tester cannot be both deferred and traversed using select_related at the same time. References Issue #346


  • Pylint fixes (Ivaylo Ivanov)
  • Remove JavaScript and Python functions in favor of existing JSON-RPC
  • Remove vendored-in js/lib/jquery.dataTables.js which is now replaced by the npm package (required by Patternfly)



  • is using a new SSL certificate with serial number 46:78:80:EA:80:A4:FC:65:17:E4:59:EC:1D:C2:27:47
  • Version 6.2.1 has been published to PyPI to facilitate people who want to deploy Kiwi TCMS on Heroku. Important: PyPI package will be provided as a convenience for those who know what they are doing. Valid bugs and issues will be dealth with accordingly. As we do not deploy from a PyPI tarball we ask you to provide all the necessary details when reporting issues! If you have no idea what all of this means then stick to the official Docker images!

How to upgrade

If you are using Kiwi TCMS as a Docker container then:

cd Kiwi/
git pull
docker-compose down
docker pull
docker pull centos/mariadb
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ migrate

Don't forget to backup before upgrade!

WARNING: and docker-compose.yml will always point to the latest available version! If you have to upgrade in steps, e.g. between several intermediate releases, you have to modify the above workflow:

# starting from an older Kiwi TCMS version
docker-compose down
docker pull<next_upgrade_version>
edit docker-compose.yml to use<next_upgrade_version>
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ migrate
# repeat until you have reached latest

Happy testing!

Test runner plugin specification

Happy Monday testers! Kiwi TCMS needs your help! We are looking for developers who wish to create plugins for popular test runners that will record test results in Kiwi TCMS! Initially we are looking for plugins for Python's unittest, Django and JUnit!

What is a test runner?

When working with automated testing you have several components:

  • A test module (or test script), e.g. which contains tests for your software;
  • A test framework, e.g. Python nose, which provides the structure for test classes and methods and assert methods to use;
  • A test runner, which knows how to discover your test scripts, load them, execute the testing scenarios inside of them and report the results.

Very often all of the components above live together inside the testing framework but don't need to. For example the standard unittest module in Python provides a test runner but there are also nose and py.test and Django provides its own test runner that knows how to work with the database.

Workflow organization

Once you agree to writing a plugin we are going to create a separate GitHub repository where you will be granted write privileges making you an independent contributor to the Kiwi TCMS project!

Design and architecture of the plugin is up to you, following the practices established by the testing framework in question. You will also have to create a test suite for your plugin based on the specification below.

You are expected to use while working on the plugin and afterwards. This is known as eating your own dog food!

For Python we provide the tcms-api module which already takes care of the communications layer. For other languages you will have to create this layer or depend on other open source libraries that provide a XML-RPC or JSON-RPC client!

You can use this gist for inspiration!

Behavior Specification

Please use the comments section to discuss unclear behavior and missing scenarios!

    SUMMARY: Will use configuration file if it exists
    GIVEN: the file ~/.tcms.conf exists
    WHEN: plugin initializes
    THEN: the plugin will log an info message, read the file and
          variables with the respective values

    SUMMARY: Will use ENVIRONMENT if configuration file doesn't exist
    GIVEN: the file ~/.tcms.conf does not exists
    WHEN: plugin initializes
    THEN: the plugin will read configuration from environment and configure
          the following variables/class members:

    SUMMARY: Will exit if TCMS_API_URL not configured
    GIVEN: TCMS_API_URL variable is empty
    WHEN: plugin initializes
    THEN: log a warning message and exit
    AND: depending on the test runner framework set exist status 1

    SUMMARY: Will exit if TCMS_USERNAME not configured
    WHEN: plugin initializes
    THEN: log a warning message and exit
    AND: depending on the test runner framework set exist status 1

    SUMMARY: Will exit if TCMS_PASSWORD not configured
    WHEN: plugin initializes
    THEN: log a warning message and exit
    AND: depending on the test runner framework set exist status 1

    SUMMARY: Will re-use existing TestPlan if configured
    GIVEN: TCMS_RUN_ID environment variable is not empty
    WHEN: plugin initializes
    THEN:  this will be the Current_TestRun record to which the plugin is
           going to add test execution results
    AND: Current_TestPlan document in which the plugin will
           search for test cases becomes Current_TestRun.plan

    SUMMARY: Will create new TestPlan & TestRun if TCMS_RUN_ID not configured
    GIVEN: TCMS_RUN_ID environment variable is empty
    THEN: plugin will create a new TestPlan in Kiwi TCMS with attributes:
        name='Automated test plan for %(product)'
    WHERE: %(product) is a placeholder for TCMS_PRODUCT==TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG==JOB_NAME
    THEN: plugin will crate a new TestRun in Kiwi TCMS with attributes:
        summary='Automated test run ....'
        plan=Current TestPlan
    WHERE: %(build) is a placeholder for TCMS_BUILD==TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER==BUILD_NUMBER
    Environment variables are specified in:

    SUMMARY: Will not create duplicate Product, Version & Build if they already exist
    GIVEN: TCMS_RUN_ID is not configured
    AND: %(product) exists
    AND: %(version) exists
    AND: %(build) exists
    WHEN: plugin tries to auto-create TestPlan and TestRun
    THEN: plugin will re-use %(product), %(version) and %(build) from the database
    AND: not try to auto-create them

    SUMMARY: Will auto-create Product, Version & Build if they don't exist
    GIVEN: TCMS_RUN_ID is not configured
    AND: %(product) doesn't exist
    AND: %(version) doesn't exist
    AND: %(build) doesn't exist
    WHEN: plugin tries to auto-create TestPlan and TestRun
    THEN: %(product), %(version) and %(build) be created automatically

    SUMMARY: Unit test names are added to TestPlan
    GIVEN: we have good plugin configuration
    WHEN: plugin loops over unit tests emitted by the test runner
    THEN: plugin will check Current_TestPlan for a TestCase with the same name
    AND: if test case doesn't exist in Current_TestPlan
    THEN: it will be added to Current_TestPlan
    hint: it is probably best to process all unit test results at the end!

    SUMMARY: Unit test names are added to TestRun
    GIVEN: we have good plugin configuration
    WHEN: plugin loops over unit tests emitted by the test runner
    THEN: plugin will check Current_TestRun for a TestCaseRun object which matches
          the current unit test name
    hint: (or Current_TestCase object from previous scenario, depending on implementation)
    AND: if such TestCaseRun doesn't exist in Current_TestRun
    THEN: it will be added to Current_TestRun
    hint: it is probably best to process all unit test results at the end!

    SUMMARY: Current_TestRun is updated with unit test results
    GIVEN: we have good plugin configuration
    WHEN: plugin loops over unit tests emitted by the test runner
    THEN: plugin will check Current_TestRun for a TestCaseRun object which matches
          the current unit test name
    hint: (or Current_TestCase object from previous scenario, depending on implementation)
    AND: if TestCaseRun object exists in Current_TestRun
    THEN: its status will be updated with the execution result coming from the test runner
    hint: it is probably best to process all unit test results at the end!

Happy testing!

Kiwi TCMS 6.2

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 6.2! This is a small release that removes squashed migrations from previous releases and includes a few improvements. You can explore everything at or find our info booth at OpenFest in Sofia during the weekend and do a live demo with the team!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1
6.1.1            -> 6.2 (latest)

Docker images:       latest  7870085ad415    957.6 MB       6.2     7870085ad415    957.6 MB       6.1.1   49fa42ddfe4d    955.7 MB       6.1     b559123d25b0    970.2 MB       6.0.1   87b24d94197d    970.1 MB       5.3.1   a420465852be    976.8 MB

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 6.1.1


  • Update to Django 2.1.3
  • Update Apache config to print logs on the console. Fixes Issue #549
  • now allows email associations when logging via GitHub. If you have an existing account which shares the same email address with your GitHub profile you will be redirected to that account upon logging in via GitHub! This also resolves a problem where existing users trying to login via GitHub were presented with error message that their email exists in the database! Fixes Issue #573


  • Remove old variants of squashed migrations from earlier releases



  • Update tcms.tests.factories.BugFactory (Ivaylo Ivanov)
  • Add test for tcms.testcases.views.group_case_bugs (Ivaylo Ivanov)
  • Pylint fixes (Ivaylo Ivanov)
  • Remove unused JavaScript and re-use the existing JSON RPC methods

How to upgrade

If you are using Kiwi TCMS as a Docker container then:

cd Kiwi/
git pull
docker-compose down
docker pull
docker pull centos/mariadb
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ migrate

Don't forget to backup before upgrade!

WARNING: and docker-compose.yml will always point to the latest available version! If you have to upgrade in steps, e.g. between several intermediate releases, you have to modify the above workflow:

# starting from an older Kiwi TCMS version
docker-compose down
docker pull<next_upgrade_version>
edit docker-compose.yml to use<next_upgrade_version>
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ migrate
# repeat until you have reached latest

Subscription based online service

We are planning to convert into a subscription based service for people who don't want to bother installing Kiwi TCMS on their own systems and just want to use it for test collaboration with their team.

The income from this service will go towards covering operating costs and supporting the development team. Watch this blog for further announcements about this. Meanwhile you may share your thoughts via Issue #515.

Plans to remove deprecated functionality

TestRun.product_version will be removed from the database schema in favor of TestRun.plan.product_version! With the latest web interface it is not possible to select a product version different than the one selected in the Test Plan. Test runs should only be able to select product builds (after Issue #246 is fixed).

Kiwi TCMS 6.1.1

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 6.1.1! This release squashes database migrations and removes older migrations that have been squashed in previous releases, a few improvements and bug fixes. You can explore everything at

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1
6.1              -> 6.1.1

Docker images:       latest  49fa42ddfe4d    955.7 MB       6.1.1   49fa42ddfe4d    955.7 MB       6.1     b559123d25b0    970.2 MB       6.0.1   87b24d94197d    970.1 MB       5.3.1   a420465852be    976.8 MB

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 6.1


  • Dashboard will now show TestRuns which have test cases assigned to current user. Fixes Issue #520
  • API method TestRun.add_case() now returns a serialized TestCaseRun object. Previously this method returned None

Bug fixes

  • Don't show disabled Priority records in UI. Fixes Issue #334



  • Fix some pylint errors (Ivaylo Ivanov)


  • Remove old squashed migrations for management, testplans, testcases and testruns apps
  • Squash the remaining migrations for management, testplans, testcases and testruns apps

How to upgrade

If you are using Kiwi TCMS as a Docker container then:

cd Kiwi/
git pull
docker-compose down
docker pull
docker pull centos/mariadb
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ migrate

Don't forget to backup before upgrade!

Subscription based online service

We are planning to convert into a subscription based service for people who don't want to bother installing Kiwi TCMS on their own systems and just want to use it for test collaboration with their team.

The income from this service will go towards covering operating costs and supporting the development team. Watch this blog for further announcements about this. Meanwhile you may share your thoughts via Issue #515.

Plans to remove deprecated functionality

TestRun.product_version will be removed from the database schema in favor of TestRun.plan.product_version! With the latest web interface it is not possible to select a product version different than the one selected in the Test Plan. Test runs should only be able to select product builds (after Issue #246 is fixed).

A friend from Red Hat sent me an email asking about Kiwi TCMS performance so I did an experiment to establish a baseline. For API requests I got 7.5 req/sec or 130 msec/req which is 1.5x slower than GitHub!

I used perf-script (see here) to measure that. The script takes the first 250 test cases from our test suite and on every execution creates a new TestPlan (1 API request), then creates new test cases (250 requests), adds cases to test plan (250 requests), creates new product build (1 API request), creates new TestRun (1 API request), adds test cases to test run (250 requests) and finally updates the statuses (250 requests).

A total of 1003 API requests are sent to Kiwi TCMS every time you start this script! An example is available at TR #567!

On localhost, running the development server (./ runserver) with an SQLite database I got:

$ time python perf-script

real    2m6.450s
user    0m1.069s
sys     0m0.331s

$ time python perf-script

real    2m7.472s
user    0m1.057s
sys     0m0.342s

$ time python perf-script

real    2m9.368s
user    0m1.072s
sys     0m0.351s

$ time python perf-script

real    2m9.197s
user    0m1.050s
sys     0m0.353s

This measures at 120 msec/req or 7.85 req/sec! is running on an AWS t2.micro instance (via docker-compose) with the default centos/mariadb image! No extra settings or changes. I used the same computer over a WiFi connection and a pretty standard home-speed Internet connection. Times are:

$ time python perf-script

real    2m18.983s
user    0m1.175s
sys     0m0.095s

$ time python perf-script

real    2m25.937s
user    0m1.156s
sys     0m0.108s

$ time python perf-script

real    2m24.120s
user    0m1.102s
sys     0m0.098s

$ time python perf-script

real    2m21.521s
user    0m1.154s
sys     0m0.091s

This measures at 140 sec/req or 7.05 req/sec!

Note: since I am using Python 3.6 I had to modify the file /opt/rh/rh-python36/root/lib64/python3.6/ to read:

# Used by http.client if no context is explicitly passed.
_create_default_https_context = _create_unverified_context # this disables HTTPS cert validation

The issue has been reported in RHBZ #1643454

Happy testing!

Kiwi TCMS 6.1

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 6.1! This release introduces new database migrations, internal updates and bug fixes. It is a small release designed to minimize the number of database migrations by squashing them together. You can explore everything at

NOTE: there is the 6.0.1 release which resolves an upgrade problem caused by non-applied migrations which have been later squashed and released in the same release! It is best to jump through the intermediate releases to ensure a smooth upgrade!

Supported upgrade paths:

5.3   (or older) -> 5.3.1
5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1
6.0.1            -> 6.1

Docker images:       latest  b559123d25b0    970.2 MB       6.1     b559123d25b0    970.2 MB       6.0.1   87b24d94197d    970.1 MB       5.3.1   a420465852be    976.8 MB

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 6.0


  • Update Jira from 1.0.10 to 2.0.0
  • Update to Patternfly 3.55.0
  • Use button instead of HTML link for deleting test plan (Oleg Kainov)
  • New middleware that will check missing settings. At the moment will only check Base URL configuration which often gets forgotten!

Bug fixes

  • Hot-fix for error caused by the API method TestRun.update. Error was initially reported on StackOverflow. This patch makes it possible to use the API without crashing however the TestRun.update method doesn't handle the stop_date field at the moment!



  • Fix pylint errors (Ivaylo Ivanov)
  • Remove unused TestRun.list and TestCase.list_confirmed methods
  • Remove unused plan_by_id_or_name() and is_int(). Fixes Issue #269


  • Rename tcms.core.contrib.auth to tcms.kiwi_auth
  • Remove field user from TestCaseTag, TestRunTag and TestPlanTag models
  • Squash migrations for management app
  • Squash migrations for testcases app
  • Squash migrations for testplans app
  • Squash migrations for testruns app

How to upgrade

If you are using Kiwi TCMS as a Docker container then:

cd Kiwi/
git pull
docker-compose down
docker pull
docker pull centos/mariadb
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ migrate

Don't forget to backup before upgrade!

Subscription based online service

We are planning to convert into a subscription based service for people who don't want to bother installing Kiwi TCMS on their own systems and just want to use it for test collaboration with their team.

The income from this service will go towards covering operating costs and supporting the development team. Watch this blog for further announcements about this. Meanwhile you may share your thoughts via Issue #515.

Plans to remove deprecated functionality

TestRun.product_version will be removed from the database schema in favor of TestRun.plan.product_version! With the latest web interface it is not possible to select a product version different than the one selected in the Test Plan. Test runs should only be able to select product builds (after Issue #246 is fixed).

Kiwi TCMS team updates

I am happy to announce that our team is steadily growing! As we work through our roadmap, status update here, and on-board new team members I start to feel the need for a bit more structure and organization behind the scenes. I also wish for consistent contributions to the project (commit early, commit often) so I can better estimate the resources that we have!

I am also actively discussing Kiwi TCMS with lots of people at various conferences and generate many ideas for the future. The latest SEETEST in Belgrade was particularly fruitful. Some of these ideas are pulling into different directions and I need help to keep them under control!

Development-wise sometimes I lose track of what's going on and who's doing what between working on Kiwi TCMS, preparing for conferences and venues to promote the project, doing code review of other team members, trying not to forget to check-in on progress (especially by interns), recruiting fresh blood and thinking about the overall future of the project. Our user base is growing and there are days where I feel like everything is happening at once or that something needs to be implemented ASAP (which is usually true anyway)!

Meet Rayna Stankova in the role of our team coach! Reny is a director for Women Who Code Sofia, senior QA engineer at VMware, mentor with CoderDojo Bulgaria and a long-time friend of mine. Although she is an experienced QA in her own right she will be contributing to the people side of Kiwi TCMS and less so technically!

Her working areas will be planning and organization:

  • help us (re)define the project vision and goals
  • work with us on roadmaps and action plans so we can meet the project goals faster
  • help us (self) organize so that we are more efficient, including checking progress and blockers (aka enforcer) and meet the aforementioned consistency point
  • serve as our professional coach, motivator and somebody who will take care of team health (yes I really suck at motivating others)

and generally serving as another very experienced member of the team!

We did a quick brainstorming yesterday and started to produce results (#smileyface)! We do have a team docs space to share information (non-public for now, will open it gradually as we grow) and came up with the idea to use Kiwi TCMS as a check-list for our on-boarding/internship process!

I don't know how it will play out but I do expect from the team to self-improve, be inspired, become more focused and more productive! All of this also applies to myself, even more so!

Existing team members progress

Last year we started with 2 existing team members (Tony and myself) and 3 new interns (Ivo, Kaloyan and Tseko) who built this website!

Tony is the #4 contributor to Kiwi TCMS in terms of number of commits and is on track to surpass one of the original authors (before Kiwi TCMS was forked)! He's been working mostly on internal refactoring and resolving the thousands of pylint errors that we had (down to around 500 I think). This summer Tony and I visited the OSCAL conference in Tirana and hosted an info booth for the project.

Ivo is the #5 contributor in terms of numbers of commits. He did learn very quickly and is working on getting rid of the remaining pylint errors. His ability to adapt and learn is quite impressive actually. Last month he co-hosted a git workshop at HackConf, a 1000+ people IT event in Sofia.

Kaloyan did most of the work on our website initially (IIRC). Now he is studying in the Netherlands and not active on the project. We are working to reboot his on-boarding and I'm hoping he will find the time to contribute to Kiwi TCMS regularly.

From the starting team only Tseko decided to move on to other ventures after he contributed to the website.

Internship program

At Kiwi TCMS we have a set of training programs that teach all the necessary technical skills before we let anyone actively work on the project, let alone become a team member.

Our new interns are Denitsa Uzunova and Desislava Koleva. Both of them are coming from Vratsa Software Community and were mentors at the recently held CodeWeek hackathon in their home city! I wish them fast learning and good luck!

Happy testing!

We are happy to announce that OpenFest - the biggest open source conference in Bulgaria has provided an info booth for our project. This year the event will be held on 3rd and 4th of November at Sofia Tech Park!

Last time the team went to a conference together we had a lot of fun! Join us at OpenFest to learn more about Kiwi TCMS and have fun with us!

In case you are unable to visit Sofia, which you totally should, you can catch up with us in Russia until the end of the year:

Feel free to ping us at @KiwiTCMS or look for the kiwi bird logo and come to say hi. Happy testing!

Kiwi TCMS 6.0

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 6.0! This release introduces new database migrations, removal of environment properties in favor of tags, internal updates and bug fixes. You can explore everything at

This release removes squashed migrations. Direct upgrades from versions < 5.3.1 to 6.0 will break without an intermediate upgrade to 5.3.1!

Docker images:       latest  cd087297f349    991.3 MB

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 5.3.1


  • Update to Django 2.1.2 due to high severity security issue
  • Update to Patternfly 3.54.8
  • Tag objects are now shown in Admin panel
  • Add autocomplete when adding tags to TestRun via UI

Removed functionality

  • TestCase new and edit views no longer allow editing of tags. Tags can be added/removed from the Tags tab which also makes sure to properly account for permissions
  • Remove EnvGroup, EnvProperty and EnvValue models in favor of tags. Existing values and properties are converted into tags and automatically added to test runs!
  • Convert squashed database migrations to regular ones and remove older migrations. WARNING: upgrade from versions <= 5.3.1 to 6.0 will break without an intermediate upgrade to a420465852be.
  • Remove deprecated TestCase.estimated_time and TestRun.estimated_time. Fixes Issue #514

Backend API

  • No longer use product_version for TestRun.create. Fixes Issue #522
    • 'product' is no longer required
    • 'product_version' is no longer required
    • 'manager' and 'default_tester' can be usernames or IDs
  • TestCase.create no longer accepts 'tag' values
  • TestRun.add_tag and TestRun.remove_tag now return list of tags. Previously these methods returned None! This is the list of tags assigned to the TestRun that is being modified!

Bug fixes

  • Fix mismatched HTML tag in plan/get.html template (Oleg Kainov)
  • Don't use |slugify filter in templates which breaks HTML links with non-ASCII TestPlan names. Fixes Sentry KIWI-TCMS-38


  • Fix pylint errors (Ivaylo Ivanov, Anton Sankov)
  • Use existing JSON-RPC methods to add/remove tags via webUI and remove specialized backend methods that handled these requests. Also make sure to obey respective permissions


How to upgrade

If you are using Kiwi TCMS as a Docker container then:

cd Kiwi/
git pull
docker-compose down
docker pull
docker pull centos/mariadb
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ migrate

Don't forget to backup before upgrade!

Subscription based online service

We are planning to convert into a subscription based service for people who don't want to bother installing Kiwi TCMS on their own systems and just want to use it for test collaboration with their team.

The income from this service will go towards covering operating costs and supporting the development team. Watch this blog for further announcements about this. Meanwhile you may share your thoughts via Issue #515.

Plans to remove deprecated functionality

TestRun.product_version will be removed from the database schema in favor of TestRun.plan.product_version! With the latest web interface it is not possible to select a product version different than the one selected in the Test Plan. Test runs should only be able to select product builds (after Issue #246 is fixed).

Happy birthday Kiwi TCMS

1 year infographic

In this blog post I will show more ways to customize Kiwi TCMS by adding logging capabilities to the API backend. Indeed this is a feature that our team deemed not required for upstream and was removed in PR #436.

Start by creating the following directory structure:


This is a small Django application that will log every call to the API backend. Each file looks like this:

    # contains DB schema for your new table
    from django.db import models
    from django.conf import settings

    class ApiCallLog(models.Model):
        executed_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
        user = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True, blank=True,
        method = models.CharField(max_length=255)
        args = models.TextField(blank=True)

        def __str__(self):
            return "%s: %s" % (self.user, self.method)


    # overrides the RPC handlers coming from django-modernrpc
    from modernrpc import handlers

    from django.conf import settings
    from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model

    from .models import ApiCallLog

    def log_call(request, method_name, args):
        """ Log an RPC call to the database or stdout in DEBUG mode. """
        request_user = request.user
        if not request_user.is_authenticated:
            # create an anonymous user object for logging purposes
            request_user, _ = get_user_model().objects.get_or_create(

        if method_name is None:
            method_name = '--- method_name missing ---'

        if settings.DEBUG:
            print('API call:: user: {0}, method: {1}, args: {2}'.format(

    class XMLRPCHandler(handlers.XMLRPCHandler):
        def process_request(self):
            encoding = self.request.encoding or 'utf-8'
            data = self.request.body.decode(encoding)
            params, method_name = self.loads(data)

            log_call(self.request, method_name, params)
            return super().process_request()

    class JSONRPCHandler(handlers.JSONRPCHandler):
        def process_single_request(self, payload):
            method_name = payload.get('method', None)
            params = payload.get('params')

            log_call(self.request, method_name, params)
            return super().process_single_request(payload)

NOTE: You will have to execute ./ makemigrations api_logging to create the initial migration for Django. This could be easier if you place the above directory into existing Django application or craft the migration file by hand!

The last thing you want to do is create a file which will override Kiwi TCMS defaults:

    from django.conf import settings

    settings.INSTALLED_APPS += [

    MODERNRPC_HANDLERS = ['api_logging.handlers.XMLRPCHandler',

Then place everything in Dockerfile like so:


    COPY ./api_logging/ /venv/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/api_logging/
    COPY /venv/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/tcms/settings/

Kiwi TCMS will import your and enable the logging application. Now build your customized Docker image and use it for deployment!

Happy testing!

Kiwi TCMS 5.3.1

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 5.3.1! This release brings lots of UI updates and removal of unused and/or duplicated functionality and source code. Many pages have been redesigned with the Patternfly library to have a modern look and feel which you can experience at

This will be the last release to carry around squashed migrations. In version 6.0 older migrations will be deleted and replaced with their squashed equivalents. Upgrades from versions < 5.3 to 6.0 will break without an intermediate upgrade to 5.3.1!

Use from Docker Hub when upgrading at some point in the future!

Docker images:        5.3.1               a420465852be        976.8 MB        latest              a420465852be        976.8 MB

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 5.2


  • Update to Django 2.1.1
  • Update Patternfly version. Fixes Issue #381
  • Replace TinyMCE with SimpleMDE markdown editor. Used for TestPlan text and TestCase action, setup, breakdown, effect fields
  • Allow downstream builds to customize the login templates by providing registration/custom_login.html template. It can either override the entire login page or provide additional information inside the custom_login block!

Known issues

  • You may need to strip existing texts from HTML tags that were generated by TinyMCE. Either do this manually as you go along and use/edit records or in bulk via the API and tools like html2text. We strongly advise you to backup your database before attempting to automatically edit text fields!

Visual changes

  • Remove breadcrumbs at the top of pages. Only admin pages still have them
  • Convert login and registration templates to Patternfly. Fixes Issue #211
  • Convert 404 and 500 templates to Patternfly
  • Convert dashboard page to Patternfly
  • Convert TestRun new, edit and clone pages to Patternfly. Fixes Issue #17
  • Convert Search Test Plans page to Patternfly
  • Convert Search Test Runs page to Patternfly
  • Convert Search Test Cases page to Patternfly
  • TestPlan view page, Runs tab now re-uses the search form for test runs which is built using Patternfly
  • Added pagination controls to pages with search results

Removed functionality

  • When creating or editing TestRun
    • field estimated_time is scheduled for removal and is not shown
    • product_version is scheduled for removal in favor of TR.plan.product_version
    • Product & Version can't be edited anymore. Must be set on the parent TestPlan instead. Still allows to specify builds
  • Remove the ability to clone multiple TestPlans from search results
  • Remove the ability to upload TestPlan document files in favor of the existing API
  • Remove TestCase export to XML in favor of existing API
  • Remove Advanced Search functionality. Fixes Issue #448, Issue #108
  • Remove tech preview feature: Django Report Builder


Bug fixes

  • Don't use get_full_url() where not needed. Closes Issue #380
  • Remove unused templates. Fixes Issue #114
  • Submit filter form when clicking on tag value. Fixes Issue #426
  • Update TestCaseRun.tested_by when setting status. Fixes Issue #459
  • Add tests for KiwiUserAdmin. Closes Issue #489


  • The following settings have been removed MOTD_LOGIN, WELCOME_MESSAGE and TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG


  • Fix pylint errors (Anton Sankov, Ivaylo Ivanov)
  • Remove lots of unused functions and classes
  • Remove old or unnecessary templates
  • Remove html2text dependency
  • Remove unused CSS and vendored-in JavaScript libraries
  • Add JavaScript JSON-RPC client which is now used by the front-end to communicate with the existing JSON-RPC API on the back-end. This replaces many 'ajax' views which are only used to render the UI and were duplicating functionality with existing API
  • Non dist/ files are no longer removed from node_modules/ when building a docker image because packages like moment.js and bootstrap-datetimepicker.js don't ship their files in dist/
  • Convert TestPlans.TreeView to JSON RPC

How to upgrade

If you are using Kiwi TCMS as a Docker container then:

cd Kiwi/
git pull
docker-compose down
docker pull
docker pull centos/mariadb
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ migrate

Don't forget to backup before upgrade!

Ask your questions on StackOverflow

Kiwi TCMS is now using the 'kiwi-tcms' tag on StackOverflow to track questions. Please submit your support requests and general questions to StackOverflow tagged with the 'kiwi-tcms' tag! Support requests via GitHub or email will not be answered anymore (GitHub issues are for bugs or feature discussions only)!

Subscription based online service

We are planning to convert into a subscription based service for people who don't want to bother installing Kiwi TCMS on their own systems and just want to use it for test collaboration with their team.

The income from this service will go towards covering operating costs and supporting the development team. Watch this blog for further announcements about this. Meanwhile you may share your thoughts via Issue #515.

Plans to remove deprecated functionality

TestRun.product_version will be removed from the database schema in favor of TestRun.plan.product_version! With the latest web interface it is not possible to select a product version different than the one selected in the Test Plan. Test runs should only be able to select product builds (after Issue #246 is fixed).

TestRun.estimated_time is scheduled for removal if not used. Objections and use-cases must be shared via Issue #514.

EnvGroup and EnvProperty models are scheduled for removal in favor of Tag. Internally tags are referenced in more places inside Kiwi TCMS' source code and they appear to be more fully developed. On the other hand while environment appears very similar to tags it is not exactly the same. Ongoing discussion is happening via Issue #484.

Kiwi TCMS 5.2

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 5.2! This release introduces new database migrations and converts the Docker image to a non-root user with uid 1001. You may have to adjust ownership/permissions on the kiwi_uploads Docker volume!

The new docker image has Image ID 6bc4e3124fd4. has also been updated!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 5.1


  • Upgrade to Django 2.1
  • Upgrade to django-report-builder 6.2.2, compatible with Django 2.1
  • Docker image now executes with uid 1001 instead of root
    • image based on centos7 image instead of centos/httpd
    • image now exposes ports 8080 and 8443
    • Apache logs now printed on Docker console
    • SSL certificates copied to /Kiwi/ssl inside Docker image instead of being bind-mounted
    • uploads dir changed to /Kiwi/uploads
    • static dir changed to /Kiwi/static
    • /Kiwi is now owned by uid 1001
    • /venv is now owned by uid 1001
    • docker-compose.yml is updated to match
  • Fix pylint errors (Ivaylo Ivanov)
  • Allow users to see other profiles via Admin
  • Use password change form from Admin instead of custom one
  • will try to import if available in the same directory. This can be used to customize settings in downstream distributions
  • Updated Slovenian translation

Bug fixes

  • Make password reset views public
  • Don't crash when adding new users via Admin


  • Remove UserProfile model. Kiwi TCMS doesn't needs extra information about users so we remove this part of the application. Custom installations may choose to define their own profiles if they wish
  • Remove custom DBModelBackend authentication backend
  • Remove unused tcms.core.context_processors.auth_backend_processor
  • Remove unused get_using_backend(). Fixes Issue #261
  • Remove dj_pagination. Fixes Issue #110


  • Navigation menu links are now defined in MENU_ITEMS and can be redefined


  • USER_REGISTERED_SIGNAL now doesn't receive the backend parameter

How to upgrade

If you are using Kiwi TCMS as a Docker container then:

cd Kiwi/
git pull
docker-compose down
docker pull
docker pull centos/mariadb
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ migrate

Don't forget to backup before upgrade!

This is the first publication in our customization series. It will show you how to override any template used by Kiwi TCMS. As an example we will override the email template that is used when registering new account. By default the email text looks like this:

    Welcome {{ user }},
    thank you for signing up for an {{ site_domain }} account!

    To activate your account, click this link:
    {{ confirm_url }} runs a custom Docker image based on For this image the confirmation email looks like this

    Welcome {{ user }},
    thank you for signing up for our Kiwi TCMS demo!

    To activate your account, click this link:
    {{ confirm_url }}

    GDPR no longer allows us to automatically subscribe you to
    our newsletter. If you wish to keep in touch and receive emails
    with news and updates around Kiwi TCMS please subscribe at:

    Happy testing!
    The Kiwi TCMS team

The file that we want to override is tcms/templates/email/confirm_registration.txt.

Create a local directory (git repository) which will hold customization configuration and create a file named templates.d/email/confirm_registration.txt with your text!

Next you want to make this file available inside your docker image so your Dockerfile should look like this:


    COPY ./templates.d/ /venv/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/tcms/overridden_templates/
    COPY /venv/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/tcms/settings/

where contains

    import os
    from django.conf import settings

    settings.TEMPLATES[0]['DIRS'].insert(0, os.path.join(settings.TCMS_ROOT_PATH, 'overridden_templates'))

The following code states instruct Django to look into overridden_templates first and use any templates it finds there; also make my files available in that specific location inside the docker image.

This approach can be used for all templates that you wish to override. Take into account that file names must match (Django searches templates by directory path). Now build your customized Docker image and use that for deployment!

Happy testing!

Kiwi TCMS 5.1

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 5.1! This release introduces new database migrations, an experimental reporting feature, deprecated functionality and bug fixes.

The new docker image has Image ID cc9b55aa664d. has also been updated!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 5.0


  • Integrate with Django Report Builder as tech-preview. This makes it possible for power users and administrators to generate tabular reports. You will have to know the existing DB schema if you want to create your own reports. See This feature is in tech-preview and it may be removed if it doesn't work out. Please comment at: Issue #452.
  • Allow using dumpdata|loaddata|sqlflush|dbshell for backups, see blog post
  • In TestCase view page add a link to delete the current test case
  • In TestCase Admin page the + Add TestCase button now allows to create new test case
  • The version menu item in the helper menu now links to Changelog

Deprecated functionality

  • Start showing deprecation warning for Advanced search, see Issue #448

Bug fixes

  • Allows Product/Version/Build to be shown in Testing Report. Fixes Sentry KIWI-TCMS-2C
  • Default to https:// links if not running locally. Fixes Issue #450
  • Apply missing CSS class for object history table so it can be displayed nicely


  • Squash some database migrations
  • Fix a number of pylint issues
  • Remove unused testruns.views::view_caseruns(). References Issue #316
  • Remove unused template report/caserun.html
  • Handle TestRun deletion via admin not home grown code

How to upgrade

If you are using Kiwi TCMS as a Docker container then:

cd Kiwi/
git pull
docker-compose down
docker pull
docker pull centos/mariadb
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ migrate

Don't forget to backup before upgrade!

Help us make Kiwi TCMS better

According to our 2018 roadmap update the Kiwi TCMS team is investing a great deal of our time to make the code base more maintainable! For the past few releases we've been balancing code refactoring with bug-fixing and enhancements and we have lots of ideas down the line.

We want to hear your voice! Tell us how you use Kiwi TCMS inside your organization. We want to know what works for you and what doesn't so we can make it better. Feel free to comment below, file GitHub issues or send us an email.

Happy testing!

When you start Kiwi TCMS by running docker-compose up (see here) it will automatically create 2 volumes: kiwi_db_data and kiwi_uploads. This blog post will outline how to backup these docker volumes.

Note: in the instructions below kiwi_db is the container name and kiwi is the database name used inside the docker-compose.yml file!

MariaDB/MySQL database

To export all contents from the docker container execute the command:

docker exec -i kiwi_db mysqldump --user <username> --password <password> kiwi > backup.sql

This will create a file named backup.sql in the current directory, outside of the running container!

You can restore the database contents by using the following command:

cat backup.sql | docker exec kiwi_db mysql --user <username> --password <password> -v kiwi


  1. Depending on your scenario you may want to remove the existing volume (docker-compose down && docker volume rm kiwi_db_data) before restoring the database!

Postgres database

To export all contents from the docker container execute the command:

docker exec -i kiwi_db pg_dump -U <username> --dbname=kiwi -F c > backup.bak

This will create a file named backup.bak in the current directory, outside of the running container. This is a PostgreSQL custom database dump format which contains all data and schema definitions. That is a binary file which can be read with the pg_restore command!

To drop and restore the entire database execute:

docker exec -i kiwi_db psql -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS kiwi;"
cat backup.bak | docker exec -i kiwi_db pg_restore -U <username> --dbname=template1 -vcC

Multi-tenant database

The kiwitcms-tenant add-on and/or Kiwi TCMS Enterprise work only on Postgres! Each tenant (aka name-space) uses a separate database schema. The first schema name is public.

The backup and restore instructions shown above operate on all tenants together! If you want to [drop and] restore an individual tenant then use the commands:

docker exec -it kiwi_db psql --dbname=kiwi

kiwi=> DROP SCHEMA $tenant_name CASCADE;
kiwi=> CREATE SCHEMA $tenant_name;

cat backup.bak | docker exec -i kiwi_db pg_restore -U <username> --dbname=kiwi -v --schema $tenant_name

Backing up file uploads

Uploaded files can easily be backed up with:

docker exec -i kiwi_web /bin/tar -cP /Kiwi/uploads > uploads.tar

and then restored with:

cat uploads.tar | docker exec -i kiwi_web /bin/tar -x

You may also try the rsync command but be aware that it is not installed by default!

Note: the same approach may be used to backup /var/lib/mysql/ or /var/lib/pgsql/data from the kiwi_db container.

Backing up multi-tenant uploads

By default multi-tenant file uploads are stored under /Kiwi/uploads/tenant/$tenant_name. You can archive all contents with the same procedure above. If you wish to restore files per tenant you will have to upload the $tenant_name directory into the docker volume.


By default both docker volumes created for Kiwi TCMS use the local driver and are available under /var/lib/docker/volumes/<volume_name> on the host running your containers. You can try backing them up from there as well.

Another alternative is to use the docker-lvm-plugin and create these volumes as LVM2 block devices. Then use lvcreate -s command to create a snapshot volume. For more information see chapter 2.3.5. Snapshot Volumes from the LVM Administrator Guide for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.

Happy testing!

Hello everyone, in this article I will outline the progress that the Kiwi TCMS team has made towards achieving the goals on our roadmap.

Make code easier to maintain

Status: moderate progress

Initially CodeClimate reported a "D" rating with a 1 year estimated effort. Now it is still on "D" rating with a 7 months estimated effort to bring the project back in shape. Code smells have dropped from 600+ to 418, duplications have been reduced from 600+ to 359! At the same time technical debt ratio has been decreased from 32,5% to 21,6% and little over 10000 lines of code have been removed from the source code. Checkout the stats for more info!

Use pylint and pylint-django

Status: good progress

Both pylint and pylint-django have been integrated into our CI workflow. There are even a few custom built plugins that we use. The number of issues reported is down to around 900 from 4000+ initially. The cleanup has been lead by Anton Sankov with help from Ivaylo Ivanov and myself.

Render HTML, return JSON

Status: no progress

Several views were probably modified to return pure JSON in the meantime but we've not done any targeted work to resolve this issue.

Submit forms, post JSON, GET clean URLs

Status: no progress

Same as above, not much has been done in this area.

API layer

Status: complete

After Kiwi TCMS v4.0 the server side API has been reorganized and updated to follow the model/method names used internally.

After the recent version 5.0 the client side API library has been stripped to its most basic form so that you can work directly with the responses from the server.

There is no more duplication and ambiguity in names because there isn't a lot of code left!


Status: moderate progress, dropped

All RPC methods have been documented! The rest of the internals will be documented as we go along.

No vendored JavaScript libraries

Status: moderate progress

Several JavaScript libraries have been removed but we still carry around jQuery and Handlebars.js. No work has been done to convert Kiwi TCMS to use the jQuery version provided with Django.

Less HTML templates with better organization

Status: minimal progress

There are still over 100 HTML templates in Kiwi TCMS. Some of the HTML templates have been merged together, some email templates have been refactored and marked as translatable but the majority of them have not been updated for a long time.

Modern interface with Patternfly

Status: no progress

JavaScript updates and front-end testing

Status: small progress

A number of JavaScript functions have been refactored and removed during the past few releases but there are still thousands of lines of code left to deal with.

Community efforts

Status: moderate progress

We are seeing a steady stream of new users registered on and there are several active contributors (issues, translations).

Kiwi TCMS was represented at OSCAL Tirana, DjangoCon Heidelberg and PyCon Prague! We're planning to attend HackConf and OpenFest in Sofia by the end of the year.

Happy testing!

Kiwi TCMS 5.0

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS and tcms-api version 5.0! This release introduces object history tracking, removal of old functionality and unused code, lots of internal updates and bug fixes.

The new docker image has Image ID 468de0abe8a8. has also been updated!

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 4.2


  • Remove CACHE because not used
  • Remove PLAN_EMAIL_TEMPLATE, CASE_EMAIL_TEMPLATE and CASE_DELETE_EMAIL_TEMPLATE. Templates can still be overridden if desired


  • Upgrade to Django 2.0.7
  • Allow to delete TestPlan. Fixes Issue #273
  • Don't include username in dashboard URL
  • Copy latest TestPlan text when cloning
  • Always require users to be logged in. Anonymous users will not be allowed access by default. Read-only access to some views (e.g. get TestPlan or TestRun) can be enabled by disabling GlobalLoginRequiredMiddleware! Fixes Issue #230
  • Start tracking change history for TestPlan, TestCase, TestRun and TestCaseRun. Fixes Issue #294
  • History changes are recorded as unified diff which is a universally recognized format
  • Show the actual changes in email notifications. Fixes Issue #199

Bug fixes

  • Fix UnboundLocalError local variable 'message' referenced before assignment. Fixes Sentry KIWI-TCMS-1S
  • Make email address unique when adding users via admin panel. Fixes Issue #352 and Issue #68
  • Fix unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'int' and 'datetime.timedelta' by initializing timedelta variable properly. Fixes Sentry KIWI-TCMS-1Y
  • Remove core.models.fields with MySQL time conversions. Fixes Issue #390
  • Fix bad JavaScript comparison. Fixes Coverity #289956
  • Remove expression with no effect. Fixes Coverity #289974
  • Rewrite request_host_link() to fix Coverity #289987
  • Fix Coverity #289923 - Typo in identifier
  • Don't send emails for changes performed by myself. Fixes Issue #216


  • Fix pylint issues in several modules (Anton Sankov & Ivaylo Ivanov)
  • Fix wrong Plan Type template variable in advanced search form
  • Do not use Model.objects.update() because it doesn't respect history
  • Use the standard ModelChoiceField instead of custom one
  • Use updateRunStatus() instead of deprecated updateObject()
  • Simplify JavaScript function getInfo() and use it multiple times
  • Simplify previewPlan() by removing unused parameters
  • Unify addChildPlan() and removeChildPlan()
  • Unify getInfoAndUpdateObject() with changeCaseRunAssignee()
  • Unify onTestCaseStatusChange() with changeTestCaseStatus()
  • Convert TestCaseEmailSettings.cc_list to string field
  • Merge report/caseruns_table.html with reports/caseruns.html
  • Rename model UserActivateKey to UserActivationKey. Fixes Issue #276
  • Remove cached_entities(). Fixes Issue #307
  • Remove TestPlanText.checksum field
  • Remove checksum fields for TestCaseText model
  • Remove unused and home-grown template tags
  • Remove unused fields auto_blinddown, description, sortkey from TestCaseRunStatus model. Fixes Issue #186
  • Remove Meta.db_name effectively renaming all tables. New names will use Django's default naming scheme
  • Remove RawSQL queries. We are now 100% ORM based. Fixes Issue #36
  • Remove duplicate MultipleEmailField definition
  • Remove TCMSLog view, TCMSLogManager, TCMSLogModel
  • Remove TestPlanText model, use TestPlan.text instead
  • Remove unused JavaScript files - lib/detetmine_type.js - lib/hole.js - lib/scriptaculous-controls.js.patch - lib/validations.js - static/js/index.js
  • Remove constructPlanParentPreviewDialog()
  • Remove changeCasePriority()
  • Remove changeCaseRunOrder()
  • Remove debug_output() from JavaScript files
  • Remove deprecated /ajax/update/ end-point
  • Remove taggleSortCaseRun()
  • Remove strip_parameters()
  • Remove _InfoObjects.users()
  • Remove get_value_by_type()
  • Remove testcases.views.get_log()
  • Remove mail_scene() methods and related templates

Removed functionality

  • TestRun completion status is no longer updated automatically. You can still update the status manually via the 'Set Finished' or 'Set Running' links! Fixes Issue #367
  • Remove bookmarks functionality. There are many great bookmark manager apps and if the user is keen on bookmarks they should use one of them. Closes Issue #67 and Issue #210
  • Don't track & display history of changes for EnvGroup model
  • Remove Disable/Enable buttons from TestPlan page. Enabling and disabling can still be done via the edit page
  • Remove changeParentPlan() and the ability to change TestPlan parents from the 'Tree View' tab. This can be done via the edit page
  • When viewing a TestPlan the user is no longer able to specify a sorkey for a particular TestCase. Instead they can use the Re-order cases button and move around the entire row of cases to adjust the sort order
  • When working with test case results, inside a TestRun you will not be allowed to change the order of execution. Order should be defined inside the TestPlan instead
  • Remove XmlRpcLog() model. Kiwi TCMS will no longer log RPC calls to the database. This leads to a small performance boost and can be overridden on individual basis if you need to do so.


  • More source strings marked as translatable
  • New translations for Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, German and Slovenian
  • Stop keeping compiled translations under git. Fixes Issue #387

tcms-api changes since 4.2

  • Requires Python 3.6 or newer because it fixes bugs related to Django's disabling of keep-alive connections. See
  • The rpc client is now accessed via TCMS().exec.<Server-Method>
  • Leave only XML-RPC transport classes! This removes the top-level interface behind the API client and the consuming side is left to work with Python dictionaries instead of objects.
  • Remove the interactive tcms script
  • Remove tcms_api.config module
  • Remove logging class
  • Remove script_examples/ directory. These were never tested and maintained

How to upgrade

If you are using Kiwi TCMS as a Docker container then:

cd Kiwi/
git pull
docker-compose down
docker pull
docker pull centos/mariadb
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ migrate
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ populate_history --auto

Help us make Kiwi TCMS better

According to our 2018 roadmap the Kiwi TCMS team is investing a great deal of our time to make the code base more maintainable! For the past few releases we've been balancing code refactoring with bug-fixing and minor enhancements and we have lots of ideas down the line.

We want to hear your voice! Tell us how you use Kiwi TCMS inside your organization. We want to know what works for you and what doesn't so we can make it better. Feel free to comment below, file GitHub issues or send us an email.

Happy testing!

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