We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 7.2! This is an improvement & bug fix release which includes new database migrations and API methods, internal refactoring and updated translations. You can explore everything at https://public.tenant.kiwitcms.org!
Supported upgrade paths:
5.3 (or older) -> 5.3.1 5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1 6.0.1 -> 6.1 6.1 -> 6.1.1 6.1.1 -> 6.2 (or newer)
Docker images:
pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi latest f9a8a044c34e 537 MB pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi 6.2 7870085ad415 957 MB pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi 6.1.1 49fa42ddfe4d 955 MB pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi 6.1 b559123d25b0 970 MB pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi 6.0.1 87b24d94197d 970 MB pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi 5.3.1 a420465852be 976 MB
Changes since Kiwi TCMS 7.1
- Base docker image to new CentOS 8
- Update Django from 2.2.6 to 2.2.8
- Update django-contrib-comments from 1.9.1 to 1.9.2
- Update django-grappelli from 2.13.1 to 2.13.2
- Update django-modern-rpc from 0.11.1 to 0.12.0
- Update django-simple-history from 2.7.3 to 2.8.0
- Update mysqlclient from 1.4.4 to 1.4.6
- Update pygithub from 1.44 to 1.44.1
- Update python-gitlab from 1.12.1 to 1.13.0
- Several documentation updates
Database migrations
- Add new database fields weight, icon and color to TestExecutionStatus and adjust existing code to work with them. This is a necessary step before allowing customization of test execution statuses, see Issue #236
- RPC method TestExecution.add_comment() now requires django_comments.add_comment permission
- Add new RPC method TestExecution.remove_comment()
- Add new RPC method TestCase.add_comment()
- Add new RPC method TestCase.remove_comment()
Bug fixes
- testplans.views.DeleteCasesView now requires testplans.change_testplan permission (Svetlomir Balevski)
- testplans.views.ReorderCasesView now requires testplans.change_testplan permission (Svetlomir Balevski)
- Fix counting bug in execution trends telemetry
- Fix several telemetry queries to still show data in the corner case where test cases have been deleted from a TestPlan but test runs are still available
- Fix broken bulk menu in TestRun page when (translated) status names are too long
- Automatically expand TestExecution comment history if there are comments present. Fixes Issue #349 (Matt Porter)
- Document timezone settings and show current server time in navbar. Fixes Issue #1206
- Check for permissions in HTML template. Closes Issue #961
- Document bug tracker integration support. Fixes Issue #698
- Delete comments when TestCase and TestExecution are removed. Closes Issue #1028
- Pylint fixes (Mariyan Garvanski)
- Use django.utils.timezone.now() instead of datetime.now(). Closes Issue #545
- Use JSON-RPC instead of backend views when working with comments. Resolves Issue #960
- Remove tcms.core.contrib.comments module. Closes Issue #959
- Remove label= attribute from form field. Fixes Issue #652
- Move and rename XML-RPC forms. Resolves Issue #681
- Convert testplans.views.DeleteCasesView to JSON-RPC
- Refactor more views from function based to class based
- Remove duplicate JavaScript
- Updated Bulgarian translation
- Updated Chinese Traditional translation
- Updated French translation
Important changes
Soon Kiwi TCMS will switch from OAuth to GitHub App integration type with GitHub. Login with your GitHub accounts will still be supported but you will also be able to INSTALL Kiwi TCMS into your account/organization/repositories. This will open the possibility for further integration with GitHub as expressed in our roadmap for 2019!
We are going to share more information when this becomes available.
Upcoming conferences
The next two events we are going to participate are:
- DevConf.CZ, Jan 24-26, Brno where Anton Sankov will be a speaker
- FOSDEM, Feb 1-2, Brussels where you can meet with the entire team
If you are around come and say "Happy testing"!
How to upgrade
Backup first! If you are using Kiwi TCMS as a Docker container then:
cd path/containing/docker-compose/ docker-compose down docker pull pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi docker pull centos/mariadb docker-compose up -d docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/manage.py migrate
WHERE: docker-compose.yml has been updated from your private git repository! The file provided in our GitHub repository is an example. Not for production use!
WARNING: pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi:latest and docker-compose.yml will always point to the latest available version! If you have to upgrade in steps, e.g. between several intermediate releases, you have to modify the above workflow:
# starting from an older Kiwi TCMS version docker-compose down docker pull pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi:<next_upgrade_version> edit docker-compose.yml to use pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi:<next_upgrade_version> docker-compose up -d docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/manage.py migrate # repeat until you have reached latest
Happy testing!