Attention testers! On behalf of the Testing and Continuous Delivery devroom we'd like to announce that call for participation is now open. This room is about building better software through a focus on testing and continuous delivery practices across all layers of the stack. The purpose of this devroom is to share good and bad examples around the question “how to improve quality of our software by automating tests, deliveries or deployments” and to showcase new open source tools and practices.
Note: for FOSDEM 2025 this devroom is a merger between the former Testing and Automation and Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment devrooms and is jointly organized between devroom managers in previous FOSDEM editions! Kiwi TCMS is proud to be part of the team hosting this devroom!
Important: devroom will take place on Saturday, February 1st 2025 at ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium! Presentations will be streamed online but all accepted speakers are required to deliver their talks in person!
Here are some ideas for topics that are a good fit for this devroom:
Testing in the real, open source world
- War stories/strategies for testing large scale or complex projects
- Tools that extend the ability to test low-level code, e.g. bootloaders, init systems, etc.
- Projects that are introducing new/interesting ways of testing "systems"
- Address the automated testing frameworks fragmentation
- Stories from end-users (e.g. success/failure)
- Continuous Integration
- Continuous Delivery
- Continuous Deployment
- Security in Software Supply Chain
- Pipeline standardization
- Interoperability in CI/CD
- Lessons learned
Cool Tools (good candidates for lightning talks)
- Project showcases, modern tooling
- How your open source tool made developing quality software better
- What tools do you use to setup your CI/CD
- Combining projects/plugins/tools to build amazing things "Not enough people in the open source community know how to use $X, but here's a tutorial on how to use $X to make your project better."
In the past the devroom has seen both newbies/students and experienced professionals and past speakers as part of the audience and talks covering from beginner/practical to advanced/abstract topics. If you have doubts then submit your proposal and leave a comment for the devroom managers and we'll get back to you.
To submit a talk proposal (you can submit multiple proposals if you'd like) use Pretalx, the FOSDEM paper submission system. Be sure to select Testing and Continuous delivery!
Checkout for more information!
Happy Testing!
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