We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 8.6!
IMPORTANT: this is a high severity security update which includes improvements, bug fixes, database migrations, API changes, translation updates and new tests. It is the fourth release to include contributions via our open source bounty program. You can explore everything at https://public.tenant.kiwitcms.org!
Supported upgrade paths:
5.3 (or older) -> 5.3.1 5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1 6.0.1 -> 6.1 6.1 -> 6.1.1 6.1.1 -> 6.2 (or newer)
Docker images:
pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi latest f2c21b370cd9 639 MB pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi 6.2 7870085ad415 957 MB pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi 6.1.1 49fa42ddfe4d 955 MB pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi 6.1 b559123d25b0 970 MB pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi 6.0.1 87b24d94197d 970 MB pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi 5.3.1 a420465852be 976 MB
Changes since Kiwi TCMS 8.5
- A high severity vulnerability which allows unprivileged data access
via JSON-RPC endpoints has been fixed:
- Affects all previous versions of Kiwi TCMS
- Instances on public networks, such as Amazon EC2, are at higher risk
- Instances on private networks are still vulnerable to anyone who can access the same network
- This vulnerability has been disclosed by Michael Longmire (ShastaQA) and Stone Pack (ShastaQA)
- Update marked from 0.8.2 to 1.1.1 for a medium severity vulnerability, see SNYK-JS-MARKED-584281
Update django from 3.0.8 to 3.0.9
Update django-attachments from 1.5 to 1.6
Update prismjs from 1.20.0 to 1.21.0
Update pygithub from 1.51 to 1.53
Replace deprecated bleach-whitelist with bleach-allowlist
Make django-extensions a production dependency because it provides many useful manage.py commands
Enable syntax highlight for code blocks
Remove file attachments when related objects are deleted
Add image and file upload buttons to text editor. Fixes Issue #977
Require auth.view_user permission when trying to view user profiles. Fixes Issue #1685
Multiple pages now explicitly require view permissions before displaying read-only information. This gives administrators a finer grained control:
- /bugs/<id>/ -> bugs.view_bug
- /bugs/search/ -> bugs.view_bug
- /cases/search/ -> testcases.view_testcase
- /case/<id>/ -> testcases.view_testcase
- /plans/search/ -> testplans.view_testplan
- /plan/<id>/* -> testplans.view_testplan
- /runs/search/ -> testruns.view_testrun
- /runs/<id>/ -> testruns.view_testrun
Previously these pages only required the user to be logged in
The auth.view_user permission is not granted by default because the profile page contains personal information like names and email address. Administrators can grant this permission on a group or individual basis if they are OK with sharing this information.
- Migrations which manipulate data (contain RunPython) can now be rollbacked. See ./manage.py migrate --plan for the order in which migrations are applied (Bryan Mutai)
- Increase Product.name size from 64 to 255 characters
- Remove method TestExecution.create() in favor of TestRun.add_case()
- Add method User.add_attachment()
- Multiple API methods now explicitly require view permissions before returning
read-only information. This is in-sync with the per-page changes listed above:
- Bug.filter() -> bugs.view_bug
- Bug.report() -> testruns.view_testexecution
- Build.filter() -> management.view_build
- Category.filter() -> testcases.view_category
- Classification.filter() -> management.view_classification
- Component.filter() -> management.view_component
- PlanType.filter() -> testplans.view_plantype
- Priority.filter() -> management.view_priority
- Product.filter() -> management.view_product
- Tag.filter() -> management.view_tag
- TestCase.get_components() -> testcases.view_testcase
- TestCase.get_notification_cc() -> testcases.view_testcase
- TestCase.filter() -> testcases.view_testcase
- TestCaseStatus.filter() -> testcases.view_testcasestatus
- TestExecution.filter() -> testruns.view_testexecution
- TestExecution.get_links() -> linkreference.view_linkreference
- TestExecutionStatus.filter() -> testruns.view_testexecutionstatus
- TestPlan.filter() -> testplans.view_testplan
- TestRun.get_cases() -> testruns.view_testrun
- TestRun.filter() -> testruns.view_testrun
- User.filter() -> auth.view_user
- Version.filter() -> management.view_version
Bug fixes
- Update documentation to reflect that test cases cannot be rearranged from within a TestRun but only from a TestPlan. Fixes Issue #1805 (@Prome88)
- Incorrect code formatting for HTML <pre> tags. Closes Issue #1300
- Fix a bug with the history handler when importing objects with ID field set. Resolves a crash when trying to restore backup data
- Delete comments when Bug is removed
Refactoring & testing
- Add linter to warn about missing backwards migrations callable in RunPython and fix all pylint offenses. Fixes Issue #1774 (Bryan Mutai)
- Teach linter to check API for @permissions_required. Fixes Issue #1089
- Refactor NewExecutionForm to use ModelForm (Rosen Sasov)
- Refactor UpdateExecutionForm to use ModelForm (Rosen Sasov)
- Add tests for tcms.bugs.api. Closes Issue #1597 (Mfon Eti-mfon)
- Add tests for tcms.bugs.views.New. Closes Issue #1598 (Mfon Eti-mfon)
- Add tests for tcms.rpc.api.testplan. Closes Issue #1627 (@lcmtwn)
- Add tests for percentage() function References Issue #1602 (Mariyan Garvanski)
- Add the migrations_order command to help test rollbacks
- Adjust code for deprecation warnings from Django 3.1
- Use Python 3 style super() without arguments
- Update login page to match our new website design
- Updated Chinese Simplified translation
- Updated Czech translation
- Updated French translation
- Updated German translation
- Updated Hungarian translation
- Updated Japanese translation
- Updated Portuguese, Brazilian translation
- Updated Slovenian translation
Kiwi TCMS Enterprise v8.6-mt
- Based on Kiwi TCMS v8.6
For more info see https://github.com/kiwitcms/enterprise/#v86-mt-23-aug-2020
How to upgrade
Backup first! If you are using Kiwi TCMS as a Docker container then:
cd path/containing/docker-compose/ docker-compose down docker-compose pull docker-compose up -d docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/manage.py migrate
Refer to our documentation for more details!
Happy testing!