Django plugin for Kiwi TCMS

initial release

Posted by Kiwi TCMS Team on Tue 30 June 2020 under releases

We're happy to announce the initial release of kiwitcms-django-plugin! This package allows you execute your Django test suite and report the results into Kiwi TCMS! This plugin has been developed by contributor Bryan Mutai as part of our open source bounty program.

To install:

pip install kiwitcms-django-plugin

and then in your specify:

TEST_RUNNER = 'tcms_django_plugin.TestRunner'

This plugin needs the ~/.tcms.conf configuration file:

url = https://tcms.server/xml-rpc/
username = your-username
password = your-password

Product information and how to report can be controlled via environment variables which are documented here. Example results from the plugin's own test suite are reported in TP-296!

Happy testing!