We're happy to announce the initial release of kiwitcms-robotframework-plugin! This package allows you execute your Robot Framework test suite and report the results into Kiwi TCMS! This plugin is the brain child of our Luca Valentini and Aniello Barletta and has its roots in the Robot Framework Milano user-group.
To install:
pip install kiwitcms-robotframework-plugin
and then make use of it like so:
robot --listener zealand.listener.KiwiTCMS
The plugin needs the ~/.tcms.conf configuration file:
[tcms] url = https://tcms.server/xml-rpc/ username = your-username password = your-password
and you can also specify the ${plan_id}, ${product} and ${build_user_email} variables in your .robot files. If any of these are missing it will attempt to discover the necessary information from your environment. The exact behavior is documented here.
This plugin uses the upstream robotframework/WebDemo test suite with SeleniumLibrary in a combination with a downstream test with the OperatingSystem library. The results are reported in TP-290. For more information checkout our package repository on GitHub!
Happy testing!