Kiwi TCMS 4.2

Python 3.6, Django 2.0.6 and security updates

Posted by Kiwi TCMS Team on Sun 24 June 2018 under releases

We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS and tcms-api version 4.2! This is a security, bug-fix and enhancement update which upgrades to the latest Django version under Python 3.6. We've pushed new container image and updated the demo instance at!

This version also includes GDPR related changes which affect our project. Read below for the details.

Changes since Kiwi TCMS 4.1.4

IMPORTANT: this release introduces new database migrations




Bug fixes



Models and database migrations

GDPR related

In addition the following changes were deployed to our infrastructure:

We're trying to be respectful to your private data and not expose that to any 3rd parties or use it for means other than making Kiwi TCMS better open source software. If you spot areas for improvement please report an issue so we can take a look at it!

tcms-api changes since 4.0.0

How to upgrade

If you are using Kiwi TCMS as a Docker container then

cd Kiwi/
git pull
docker-compose down
docker pull
docker pull centos/mariadb
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/ migrate

Help us make Kiwi TCMS better

According to our 2018 roadmap the Kiwi TCMS team is investing a great deal of our time to make the code base more maintainable! For the past few releases we've been balancing code refactoring with bug-fixing and minor enhancements and we have lots of ideas down the line.

We want to hear your voice! Tell us how you use Kiwi TCMS inside your organization. We want to know what works for you and what doesn't so we can make it better. Feel free to comment below, file GitHub issues or send us an email.

Happy testing!