Happy Monday, testers! In this series we are introducing the contributors behind Kiwi TCMS. This is our community and these are their stories.

Aneta is a software engineer navigating the complex field of QA since her first "grownup" job. She's been working in the area of test automation for web applications using different programming languages and tools. Her mission is to inspire people to think about quality from the very inception of ideas and to blur the line between developers and QA specialists.
What is your professional background
I have an engineering degree in computer science and I've spend the last 8 years in Quality Assurance. Java, TestNG and UI automation with Selenium WebDriver are my strongest technical skills but I use different programming languages and tools.
I believe languages and tools should only support an engineer and never define them.
Currently I am the QA Chapter Lead at SumUp, where I can work towards achieving my goals in an amazing team of people that do what they love.
When did you use open source for the first time
The first time I remember was in 2011, but I've probably used it before and just didn't pay attention. To me it seemed the same as proprietary, and I guess that means it was good.
Describe your contributions to the project
I created kiwitcms-junit-plugin. This is a native Java library which you can install via Maven Central. It will discover your automated test suite and publish test execution results in Kiwi TCMS. This plugin is very simple and requires only minimal configuration before it is ready to work. Check-out the example in TP-25!
editor comment: Aneta and Ivo (Kiwi TCMS) hosted the "Git crash course" workshop at HackConf 2018. Kiwi TCMS will be hosting 2 workshops this year so stay tuned!
Why did you decide to contribute to Kiwi TCMS
I had recently switched Java for Ruby and I was feeling nostalgic. Also, I had spent my entire career so far in QA and I wanted to slip on the developer shoes for at least a little bit.
Was there something which was hard for you during the contribution process
I'm used to working in a team and when I started working on this project I was the only active Java developer. Luckily for me, I live in the time of StackOverflow, so I managed to get most of my questions answered by strangers on the Internet.
I learned tons of stuff, but mostly I learned I can build software, not just test it!
Which is the best part of contributing to Kiwi TCMS
Doing something that has the potential to help others and that could be improved upon.
What is next for you in professional and open source plan
My current focus is moving slightly into DevOps direction and I am really overwhelmed by the amount of things to learn. I feel there is so much I want to experiment with. I am not really planning anything related to open source - it has never been a goal for me - but when I come across a project I feel strongly about, I'd probably be tempted to contribute.
Thank you, Aneta! Happy testing!