We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 6.5.3! This is a security, improvement and bug-fix update that includes new versions of Django, includes several database migrations and fixes several bugs. You can explore everything at https://public.tenant.kiwitcms.org!
Supported upgrade paths:
5.3 (or older) -> 5.3.1 5.3.1 (or newer) -> 6.0.1 6.0.1 -> 6.1 6.1 -> 6.1.1 6.1.1 -> 6.2 (or newer)
Docker images:
pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi latest b9355cf85833 1.039 GB pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi 6.2 7870085ad415 957.6 MB pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi 6.1.1 49fa42ddfe4d 955.7 MB pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi 6.1 b559123d25b0 970.2 MB pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi 6.0.1 87b24d94197d 970.1 MB pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi 5.3.1 a420465852be 976.8 MB
Changes since Kiwi TCMS 6.5
- Update Django from 2.1.5 to 2.1.7. Fixes CVE-2019-6975: Memory exhaustion in django.utils.numberformat.format()
- Update mysqlclient from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2
- Multiple template strings marked as translatable (Christophe CHAUVET)
Database migrations
- Email notifications for TestPlan and TestCase now default to True
- Remove TestPlanEmailSettings.is_active field
- New method Bug.report(), References Issue #18
- Method Bug.create() now accepts parameter auto_report=False
- Updated German translation
- Updated French translation
- Updated Slovenian translation
Bug fixes
- Show the user who actually tested a TestCase instead of hard-coded value. Fixes Issue #765
- Properly handle pagination button states and page numbers. Fixes Issue #767
- Add TestCase to TestPlan if creating from inside a TestPlan. Fixes Issue #777
- Made TestCase text more readable. Fixes Issue #764
- Include missing templates and static files from PyPI tarball
- Use find_packages() when building PyPI tarball
- Install Kiwi TCMS as tarball package inside Docker image instead of copying from the source directory
- Pylint fixes
- Remove testcases.views.ReturnActions() which is now unused
- Refactor New TestCase to class-based view and add tests
How to upgrade
If you are using Kiwi TCMS as a Docker container then:
cd Kiwi/ git pull docker-compose down docker pull pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi docker pull centos/mariadb docker-compose up -d docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/manage.py migrate
Don't forget to backup before upgrade!
WARNING: pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi:latest and docker-compose.yml will always point to the latest available version! If you have to upgrade in steps, e.g. between several intermediate releases, you have to modify the above workflow:
# starting from an older Kiwi TCMS version docker-compose down docker pull pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi:<next_upgrade_version> edit docker-compose.yml to use pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi:<next_upgrade_version> docker-compose up -d docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/manage.py migrate # repeat until you have reached latest
Happy testing!