We're happy to announce Kiwi TCMS version 5.2! This release introduces new database migrations and converts the Docker image to a non-root user with uid 1001. You may have to adjust ownership/permissions on the kiwi_uploads Docker volume!
The new pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi:latest docker image has Image ID 6bc4e3124fd4. https://public.tenant.kiwitcms.org has also been updated!
Changes since Kiwi TCMS 5.1
- Upgrade to Django 2.1
- Upgrade to django-report-builder 6.2.2, compatible with Django 2.1
- Docker image now executes with uid 1001 instead of root
- image based on centos7 image instead of centos/httpd
- image now exposes ports 8080 and 8443
- Apache logs now printed on Docker console
- SSL certificates copied to /Kiwi/ssl inside Docker image instead of being bind-mounted
- uploads dir changed to /Kiwi/uploads
- static dir changed to /Kiwi/static
- /Kiwi is now owned by uid 1001
- /venv is now owned by uid 1001
- docker-compose.yml is updated to match
- Fix pylint errors (Ivaylo Ivanov)
- Allow users to see other profiles via Admin
- Use password change form from Admin instead of custom one
- product.py will try to import local_settings.py if available in the same directory. This can be used to customize settings in downstream distributions
- Updated Slovenian translation
Bug fixes
- Make password reset views public
- Don't crash when adding new users via Admin
- Remove UserProfile model. Kiwi TCMS doesn't needs extra information about users so we remove this part of the application. Custom installations may choose to define their own profiles if they wish
- Remove custom DBModelBackend authentication backend
- Remove unused tcms.core.context_processors.auth_backend_processor
- Remove unused get_using_backend(). Fixes Issue #261
- Remove dj_pagination. Fixes Issue #110
- Navigation menu links are now defined in MENU_ITEMS and can be redefined
- USER_REGISTERED_SIGNAL now doesn't receive the backend parameter
How to upgrade
If you are using Kiwi TCMS as a Docker container then:
cd Kiwi/ git pull docker-compose down docker pull pub.kiwitcms.eu/kiwitcms/kiwi docker pull centos/mariadb docker-compose up -d docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/manage.py migrate
Don't forget to backup before upgrade!